Database Plugin for Qt Designer
In 1993 (almost 20 years ago), in IBM Visual Age I could drag a column name (of a DB/2 database) and put in a dialog it would automatically create a Label and an Line Edit, associate signals and slots.
I could see database signals and slots and I could VISUALLY link them to the widgets on the form or to the menu items.
What I want Qt Designer initially to do through a new plugin, is to provide a means to navigate to a certain table in a database so that the user (programmer) can pick what columns to appear on the dialog. The plugin would generate UI and C++ code and update the dialog in the designer with new Labels, Line Edits all using the QDataWidgetMapper.
If there is a group working on something like this I would like to join. Please let me know. Otherwise, I will start doing something like this myself and I would welcome anyone to join me.