JavaScript references in QML
Hi all -
I have a QML object (defined in C++) with a large number of members, most of which are enums. The values are selected using a ListView with RadioDelegates, which appear in a Drawer.
I'm trying to write a utility component to display the lists and return the selection. Where I'm stuck is how to return the selection. From the reading I've done, it appears that I need to use JavaScript references, but I can't make it work.
I access the utility list via a Component:
Component { id: actionComponent ScheduleList { onFinished: // signal within ScheduleList (ind, selection) => { // need some kind of assignment HERE. scheduleDetailsStackView.clear() scheduleDetailsDrawer.close() } } }
And I invoke this in several places, like this:
Button { onClicked: { scheduleDetailsStackView.clear() scheduleDetailsStackView.push(actionComponent, { "listModel": listPanel.actionModel }) } }
So, how can I get my utility list to assign the selected value to a particular member of my object? I've implemented a callback that can assign the value to a hard-coded variable, but doing it this way would mean I'd need a separate callback for each member of the object.
Is this the best I can do, or is there some JS magic that I can use?
Thanks for any ideas...
Fixed it -- I added a bool to my parent property to tell me whether this button belongs to to the start or end panel, and I check that bool in my callback.
Button { id: action buttonText: actionButtonLabel onClicked: { stackView.clear() stackView.push( actionComponent, { "listModel": scheduleActionPanel.actionModel, "listIndex": isStartPanel ? newSchedule.startAction : newSchedule.endAction, "buttonGroup": startStopGroup, "titleText": scheduleActionPanel.actionTitle, "callback": ((i) => { if (isStartPanel) { newSchedule.startAction = i } else { newSchedule.endAction = i } } ) } ) } }
If necessary, the bool could be replaced by an int, and the callback logic made more elaborate.
I've solved part of it, by adding a callback function to my ScheduleList component:
// ScheduleList.qml ColumnLayout { required property var listModel required property var callback ButtonBar { // custom button bar onButtonClicked: (ind) => { callback(list.currentIndex) } } } // ... }
and invoking it with an arrow function, with different arguments for each button:
Button { id: actionButton onClicked { scheduleDetailsStackView.push( actionComponent, { "listModel": listPanel.actionModel, "callback": ((i) => newSchedule.startAction = i ) } Button { id: whenButton onClicked { scheduleDetailsStackView.push( actionComponent, { "listModel": listPanel.whenModel, "callback": ((i) => newSchedule.startWhen = i ) } ) // and so on.
I said "solved part of it" above, because I'm not yet finished -- these buttons that use the list component are themselves inside a Component that is re-used (for start and stop operations). Now I have to figure out how to tell this component which object members I want to use. I think I still need to use JS references, so anyone with some experience here, please feel free to advise.
Fixed it -- I added a bool to my parent property to tell me whether this button belongs to to the start or end panel, and I check that bool in my callback.
Button { id: action buttonText: actionButtonLabel onClicked: { stackView.clear() stackView.push( actionComponent, { "listModel": scheduleActionPanel.actionModel, "listIndex": isStartPanel ? newSchedule.startAction : newSchedule.endAction, "buttonGroup": startStopGroup, "titleText": scheduleActionPanel.actionTitle, "callback": ((i) => { if (isStartPanel) { newSchedule.startAction = i } else { newSchedule.endAction = i } } ) } ) } }
If necessary, the bool could be replaced by an int, and the callback logic made more elaborate.
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