Why does the following recursive directory creation fail?
i have posted this same question on stackoverflow and i got as far as shown. But still i have some errors(synactical and logical) which i couldn't solve at all.
May be i can get some help here;i expect to have more than one million files with unique names. I have been told that if i put all this files in one or two directories the search speed for these files will be extremely slow. So i have come up with the following directory architecture.
I want the directory structure to branch out with 10 sub directories and the level of the sub directories will be 4. because the file names are guaranteed to be unique i want to use these file names to make hashes which can be used to put the file in a directory and also later to find it. The random hash values will make a directory to have,approximately, 1,000 files.
so if F is root directory then inserting or searching for a file will have to go through these steps:
I want to use numbers from 0-9 as directory names
All the files are text files. The program will be distributed to many people in order to collect information for a research. So tt is important that these files are created like this.
#include<stdio.h>void make_dir(int depth, char *dir) {
if (depth < 4) {
CreateDirectoryA (dir,NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
char sdir= (char)malloc(strlen(dir+10)); // XXX 10?
strcpy(sdir, dir);
printf("%s\n", sdir);
make_dir(depth + 1, sdir);
int main()
return 1;
}@ -
Being in a Qt forum, I come up with a Qt base solution:
QString filePath = QString("f/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5")
.arg(fileName);QFileInfo fi(filePath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
dir.mkpath(fi.absoluteDirPath());QFile file(filePath);