[Solved] Fame monster badge bug?
[quote author="mlong" date="1330617783"]I just made it into the Hall of Fame yesterday for the first time (huzzah!) and I noticed that I got a badge for it. However, it looks like I got the level 3 badge, which would imply I had been in the HOF for substantially more than just a day.
[/quote]And that's a problem? :D
I am also having an issue with Fame monster badge. I entered Hall of Fame at the end of Jan and I received a badge. Yesterday I was promoted to Fame monster 2 badge but when I logged today I saw the following message: "Hey, you just earned the Fame monster 1 badge. Congratulations!" Could you please have a look? Can I have Fame monster 2 badge back :) ?
This is not just limited to fame badge and it is nothing new with the latest role-out.
I have seen it in the past when falling from thread master badge level 2 to level 1. Also on Mondays I receive congrats to level 1 because due to a problem, the thread master badge is not shown on Sundays. -
I haven't found any issue with source since it has "definition":http://qt-project.org/badges like this
bq. Level 1:
Is listed in the Hall of Fame
Level 2:
Has been listed in the Hall of Fame for 5 consecutive weeks
Level 3:
Has been listed in the Hall of Fame for 15 consecutive weeksSince it use word consecutive and if member loose position even for one day then the condition for consecutive is broken and then cronjob reassign the correct badge.
[quote author="Gurudutt" date="1331038783"]I haven't found any issue with source since it has "definition":http://qt-project.org/badges like this
bq. Level 1:
Is listed in the Hall of Fame
Level 2:
Has been listed in the Hall of Fame for 5 consecutive weeks
Level 3:
Has been listed in the Hall of Fame for 15 consecutive weeksSince it use word consecutive and if member loose position even for one day then the condition for consecutive is broken and then cronjob reassign the correct badge.
[/quote]As a developer I must state that it says 5 consecutive weeks not 35 consecutive days :)
And in my opinion Fame monster badges must be kept even if the user is not listed any more at the Hall of Fame otherwise they are pointless.
[quote author="Gurudutt" date="1331038783"]
Since it use word consecutive and if member loose position even for one day then the condition for consecutive is broken and then cronjob reassign the correct badge.
[/quote]Could the reason be that the user dropped out of the list because he/she logged in a few days after the move to qt-project.org and the account was disabled in the mean time?