Disable post edit timeout limit. (3600s)
Qt.io webservices
Edits are only allowed to edit posts for 3600 second(s) after posting
This limit should be disabled. Responses on this forum take a long time to come, so I want to provide as much information whilst researching as is possible in my posts. This limit prevents that. I usually post my posts here as link posts on Reddit, but I might have to start posting my Reddit text posts as links here instead!
I've marked this as a question so that if this is rejected or accepted, I can highlight that response.
R RokeJulianLockhart marked this topic as a regular topic on
R RokeJulianLockhart marked this topic as a question on
R RokeJulianLockhart referenced this topic on
The limit appears to have been removed, for I appear to be able to edit that post. Brilliant!
R RokeJulianLockhart has marked this topic as solved