Create a Qt project composed by other project
Hi all,
for application that i'm developping I should create a staticlib, I'll use it after in my application, composed by some little Qt project.
My question is: How can I create a project that it's composed by other project?
Thanks. -
Maybe SUBDIRS project will help you?
But i need to have only one .a file like output.
SUBDIR can do it, if yes, how? -
Then I didn't understand your question clearly. As I understood you have library project (that generates .a after building) and another project that uses this library.
What I'd like to do is:
Have a Project (static lib) named "ABC", this project don't have file .h or cpp inside but have other 3 project: "A" "B" "C".
I hope to have done clear.
Thanks. -
Yes, this because i can have also the need to have only one lib, for example "libA.a", even to have all "libABC.a". I'd like to have the possibility to compile or a different solution "A" "B" etc... or a single solution "ABC".
Thanks. -
You'll need different configuration switches in QMake then, like this:
!altogether:SUBDIRS=A B C
altogether:SUBDIRS=Aand in the altogether case have also compile and link the files from B and C
then run qmake with CONFIG+=altogether or CONFIG-=altogether
I'm not able to understand, could you please send me an example or post a link with it.
My email address is
Thanks and sorry.