lazily relocated series of X11 windows
In my reality, one of the first tenants of effective computer use is to be lazy and let the tools do things for me. I have a two monitor twinview display 1920x1080 times 2 pixels and I need to display the output from one program on the left monitor (offset x=0) and the manipulation program on the other monitor (x=1920). These are preexisting programs that have their own mechanisms for setting setting geometry and location. Second monitor program is a pyqt5 app I wrote that spawns multiple dialog windows.
IIRC, X11 provides for a "location hint" capability in the apps. but the window manager is generally free to override that value and place the window where it wants to. FWIW, I'm using openbox as my "liteweight" window manager. I don't subscribe to any of the gnome crap.
I am searching for a linux-world wrapper that will allow me to manually override the window location hint such that I can do something like (relocate x=1920 and for my_program the relative display geometry would start at 1920, or x-1920 as far as the program is concerned.
running X11 in a dual display (:0.0 and :0.1) configuration would make this problem go away, but that presents other problems since most/all desktop managers are fairly brain-dead with regard to running X in dual display configurations, and many other things then don't work correctly.
Startup would be x=$(retrieve_db_entity); (do_display $x &); (other_display do_manip $x)
other_display is the wrapper I'm looking for.Any suggestion for apps that provide the needed wrapper capabilities?
so no group feedback on this question but I did manage to locate (by accident) a utility that accomplishes the task.
xdotool windowmove {windowid} {x} {y}
uses XTEST extension which insers emulated mouse and keyboard events to the X server.