Lazy C coder challege , just for fun
What would be the easiest way to send ( cut and paste ?) current debug messages to "textEdit " ?
Posted just for fun break...ui->textEdit->append(s);
#if 1
qDebug() << "Discovered service on"
<< serviceInfo.device().name() << serviceInfo.device().address().toString();
qDebug() << "\tService name:" << serviceInfo.serviceName();
qDebug() << "\tDescription:"
<< serviceInfo.attribute(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceDescription).toString();
qDebug() << "\tProvider:"
<< serviceInfo.attribute(QBluetoothServiceInfo::ServiceProvider).toString();
qDebug() << "\tL2CAP protocol service multiplexer:"
<< serviceInfo.protocolServiceMultiplexer();
qDebug() << "\tRFCOMM server channel:" << serviceInfo.serverChannel();
#endif -
This looks like it might be promising: