Configuration issue with Qt for Android (Qt 6) --> whitespace in path
Odd problem, leaving it here for reference.
Hi, I am new to both Qt and Android Studio. I have Qt Creator 4.15.0 (Community) & Qt 6.1.0 (MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit) installed first.
Background: I have previously installed AS last year & uninstalled it. I changed my username & updated the indexes before uninstalling the previous AS ; new username contains space.
I followed this Qt 5 for Android guide which I found comprehensive I downloaded AS 4.2.1 & java version "1.8.0_291"
In my AS, Tools > SDK manager
Android SDK Location: C:\Users*new name*\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
The settings may look odd because initially, in my Qt Creator, Tools > Options > Devices > Android, the only error in Android Settings was
I found the essential packages to be: Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest), Google USB Driver, NDK (Side by side) 21.3.6528147 & Android SDK Build-Tools 30.0.2 & went to AS to install them. I went back to Qt Creator to find that there are more errors.These are what I have now
I copied NDK there to fix this issue I had
Help is greatly appreciated!
The main problem was with the whitespace in SDK & NDK path of Android Settings. I moved Android folder directly to C drive i.e. C:\Android. I also uninstalled unnecessary packages & was left with Android 11, Android SDK 30.0.2, NDK (Side by side) 21.3.6528147, Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest), Android Emulator, Android SDK Platform-Tools, Android SDK Tools (obsolete), Google USB Driver & Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer).