How to properly delete QThread?
Hi, I have a QThread in my main dialog which is responsible for some processes declared in MyWorker class (inherited from QObject). I wish that when I close the dialog it will automatically delete the thread and MyWorker object. However, each time I close the window I get the message
QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running 14:14:16: The program has unexpectedly finished.
What I try to do is in my dialog's deconstructor, I emit a signalvoid finished()
which is connected to the thread and the object. Nevertheless, it does work. So, what will be the correct way to end the thread and its process?connect(this, &Sender::finished, sendThread, &MyThread::deleteLater); connect(this, &Sender::finished, &sThread, &QThread::deleteLater); connect(this, &Sender::finished, &sThread, &QThread::quit);
You have to wait() until the thread had time to shut down. Also you should not connect Sender::finished to deleteLater but the QThread's finished signal to deletedLater.