DOESN"T WORK D-Bus Remote Controlled Car Example
Hello, I try to send integer value from one to another programme using for IPC QtDBUS(they are different executable files). My attempts to find simple example was unsuccessful. So, I am forced to build huge example D-Bus Remote Controlled Car Example like for one who has never used QtDBus.
I repeated full tree structure(sources, headers). But one file controller.h includes #include "ui_controller.h". There is no such file.
So, I am not able to compile.Maybe, is there something that I don't understand?
This file is generated from the UI file created with Qt designer. You should run uic to create it manually. The compilation sequence in linux should be:
$ qmake -project
$ qmake
$ makeuic is executed inside the qmake command. If you use Qt Creator this is done automatically.
For more info see the qmake and uic documentation.