qt 6.1, qml, error: "Object is not a type"
Qt 6
I am trying to migrate a QT/QML app to QT 6.1.
After fixing all the C++ side compilations errors, the app finally compiles, link, but at startup, the qml loading fails with the following errors:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/qml/mainSplash.qml: Type HPACIcons unavailable qrc:/qml/IconFont/IconFont.qml:4:1: Object is not a type
The IconFont.qml file starts with the following lines:
pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.11 Object { ....
Obviously, the app, as is works under qt 5.
any clues what is going wrong here and what I need to change?Thanks,
Well, turned out my qmldir was incorrect.
it is strange that it worked under QT5 however.Cyrille