C++, C# and Mono
I found "this post":http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2011/Dec-19.html very interesting. It explains how C++ and C# can be merged (or better live together) within the Mono platform.
I do hope something becomes of this. Truly cross platform .net apps, and the possibility of running them in NaCl.
I agree this looks interesting, but i have some doubts about the success of the c# portability: who would want to use .net framework on Linux? and who would want to use Mono on Windows? here you can have the original framework plus the "official" gui framework (wpf - that as far as i know isn't yet available in Mono)
Think enterprise. C# is still the top language in StackOverflow. Mono is generally more popular server side and mobile. qt support is poor, and you only really have gtk for portability which makes this news interesting. Mono is on as many platforms as qt, including Native Client.