[bug] IE8 line break issue while editing post
See the 2nd reply in "this thread":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/1199/
In spite of giving line breaks the [edit] log comment with my name, was not split into a new line. This happens in IE8 and I could reproduce this a couple of times. I modified other entries using Firefox, where it worked correctly.
I will modify that entry with Firefox, once you confirm the bug and have left it for you to see :)
happened again "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/1265/
Hi Chetan,
We are investigating it here and hopefully we will get back with solution soon, for now I have edited "it":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/1265/ and see if that fix helps for now.
problem is not limited to just replies, see "this wiki page":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Newletters_and_Feeds, the line breaks are broken here too
In other browser, say using Safari now, when I add a link and press enter and in the next line type something, the line break is not recognized and the text appears next to the link.
I have to add a space after the link and then press enter (sometimes 2 line breaks), then it works fine.