Qt for teaching
The 3-5 x the length of the video is pretty close as far as transcribing/syncing time. I can even be more if you're trying to do a really good job of it. After a while you do speed up though.
It is a massive amount of work, but if the infrastructure is set up it can be slowly chipped away at by suckers like me.
The Universal Subtitles project I linked to before provides a good base to get this collaborative work done. It has all the translation stuff built in, including an option for automatic translation through google translate.
Here's a finished example of a fully subtitled "video":http://www.universalsubtitles.org/en/videos/jVnwcixCPFgp/ (it's the QML/3d tutorial from youtube)
If we integrated the DevNet points system I could see myself grinding through a few of them when I was bored.
[quote author="Hanne" date="1275403244"]
We already have some teaching material available, and are in the process of developing more.
Have a look at "the Qt in Education pages":http://qt.nokia.com/services-partners/qt-in-education, and let us know what you think.
[/quote]given link redirects to http://qt.nokia.com/include/test-area/services-partners/qt-in-education
and results 404 error :( -
I think the link for Qt in Education is (at least for now):
[quote author="kaznovac" date="1309201265"]given link redirects to http://qt.nokia.com/include/test-area/services-partners/qt-in-education
and results 404 error :(
[/quote]That's my fault, I'll fix that tomorrow. :/ Stavros has the correct link.
You have to follow the license of the stuff. It is stated ther and tells you, what you might do and what not.
License information
The Qt in Education Course Materials are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License Agreement.The full license text is available here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/legalcode.