Getting sound from jack with ALSA instead of PulseAudio
I'm using a Raspberrypi0-wifi connect to an audio board via I2S. The QT version is 5.12.0. I installed all the stuff that I can find on the net concerning this topic but still I cannot make the app to play the sound through the analog output. Here some information:-
If I try to play a song with mpg123 program the sound comes correctly from the jack output.
Trying to print out the available audio devices with the following code:
QList<QAudioDeviceInfo> devices = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioOutput); foreach (QAudioDeviceInfo i, devices){ qDebug()<<i.deviceName(); }
I get the following:
With the command aplay -l, I get the following:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac], device 0: HifiBerry DAC HiFi p]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 -
My code consists in a MediaPlayer with playlist made in QML:
MediaPlayer { id: playMusic autoLoad: true autoPlay: true playlist: Playlist { id:playerList; } Component.onCompleted: volumeMeter.initVolume(playMusic); }
- For creating the image and the cross-compiling toolchain I used Yocto with b2qt.
Adding the following lines in local.conf:
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer alsa" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly = "a52dec lame mad mpeg2dec x264" PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-qtmultimedia = " pulseaudio" DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " pulseaudio" IMAGE_INSTALL += "alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils alsa-state alsa-tools alsa-oss" IMAGE_INSTALL += " \ gst-meta-video \ gst-plugins-base-app \ gst-plugins-base \ gst-plugins-good \ gst-plugins-good-rtsp \ gst-plugins-good-udp \ gst-plugins-good-rtpmanager \ gst-plugins-good-rtp \ gst-plugins-good-video4linux2 \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \ gstreamer1.0-libav \ gst-fluendo-mp3 \ "
I wonder if there are some libraries/plugins that can let qt to work with the analog audio. At the moment I have found installed and,
May they be useful? And if yes, how should I use them?Thank you.
Davide Brunelli -
Hello @MangoCat ,
thank you for your message. Actually it's different installing directly to the Raspberry than using Yocto, but for sure it can be useful.
At the end I sorted out, installing the following including pulseaudio (maybe several of all are unnecessary but I installed whatever I found on the net):PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer alsa" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly = "a52dec lame mpeg2dec x264" #PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-qtmultimedia = " pulseaudio" #DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " pulseaudio" IMAGE_INSTALL += "alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils-speakertest alsa-utils alsa-state alsa-tools" IMAGE_INSTALL += "\ gstreamer1.0 \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-playback \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-meta \ gst-meta-video \ gst-plugins-base-app \ gst-plugins-base \ gst-plugins-good \ gst-plugins-good-rtsp \ gst-plugins-good-udp \ gst-plugins-good-rtpmanager \ gst-plugins-good-rtp \ gst-plugins-good-video4linux2 \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \ gstreamer1.0-libav \ gst-fluendo-mp3 \ " DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " pulseaudio dbus" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " pulseaudio pulseaudio-server \ qtmultimedia qtmultimedia-plugins qtmultimedia-qmlplugins dbus pulseaudio-misc" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " pulseaudio" #PACKAGECONFIG_pn-pulseaudio_append
Besides pulseaudio is called together with the main application, with the following bash script:
#!/bin/bash sleep 10 # Maybe we can do a separate service #$ if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then echo "Starting dbus" export $(dbus-launch) fi /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D --start #/usr/bin/psplash #Main application /usr/bin/gallery-mobile
Hope it helps whoever is facing the same issue as mine.
Davidino -
I had your same problem, no output from QMediaPlayer on a RaspiZeroW with a Hifiberry-MiniAmp (same driver as their DAC) - solution at bottom.
This code works on my desktop system in both modes, but in the Rpi only in the mplayer mode:
void PlayController::play( QFileInfo fi ) { if ( soundPlayer == 2 ) { QMediaPlayer *player = new QMediaPlayer; player->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile( fi.absoluteFilePath() )); // player->setVolume(50); player->play(); } else QProcess::execute( "/usr/bin/mplayer", QStringList( fi.absoluteFilePath() ) ); }
I have installed:
sudo apt install qt5-default cmake qtcreator qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins mpg321 lame pulseaudio
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-tools
did not help... of course, my aplay -l is the same as yours:
pi@blueberry:~ $ aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac], device 0: HifiBerry DAC HiFi pcm5102a-hifi-0 [HifiBerry DAC HiFi pcm5102a-hifi-0] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
My Pi is setup with fresh Raspbian, which comes with Qt 5.11
Solved my issue with a:
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
hope this helps...
Hello @MangoCat ,
thank you for your message. Actually it's different installing directly to the Raspberry than using Yocto, but for sure it can be useful.
At the end I sorted out, installing the following including pulseaudio (maybe several of all are unnecessary but I installed whatever I found on the net):PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " gstreamer alsa" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly = "a52dec lame mpeg2dec x264" #PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-qtmultimedia = " pulseaudio" #DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " pulseaudio" IMAGE_INSTALL += "alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils-speakertest alsa-utils alsa-state alsa-tools" IMAGE_INSTALL += "\ gstreamer1.0 \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-meta \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-playback \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-meta \ gst-meta-video \ gst-plugins-base-app \ gst-plugins-base \ gst-plugins-good \ gst-plugins-good-rtsp \ gst-plugins-good-udp \ gst-plugins-good-rtpmanager \ gst-plugins-good-rtp \ gst-plugins-good-video4linux2 \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \ gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \ gstreamer1.0-libav \ gst-fluendo-mp3 \ " DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " pulseaudio dbus" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " pulseaudio pulseaudio-server \ qtmultimedia qtmultimedia-plugins qtmultimedia-qmlplugins dbus pulseaudio-misc" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qtmultimedia = " pulseaudio" #PACKAGECONFIG_pn-pulseaudio_append
Besides pulseaudio is called together with the main application, with the following bash script:
#!/bin/bash sleep 10 # Maybe we can do a separate service #$ if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then echo "Starting dbus" export $(dbus-launch) fi /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D --start #/usr/bin/psplash #Main application /usr/bin/gallery-mobile
Hope it helps whoever is facing the same issue as mine.