Reading and combining multiple files
Hi all, I am new here so be gentle.
I have a question about Qt and Grid Computing, we are in the middle of the integration of PySide with our Grid++ System and we are having trouble with the resource management/task management module, the source of the problem seems to be that Qt has no methods for combining binary files.Now my question, is there a way where I can load an image/file progressive in Qt, for example: I have an image that is split into 4 binary files, is there a streaming function I can use to combine them in Qt, or can anyone give me a hint how to combine files in Qt.
Not sure to understand your problem, but if you have the data split in n files, you can read all the data from each, place it into a buffer and use a "QImage": constructor that accepts such buffer. So you are gathering the streams manually.
Thx a lot for your hint, I think that is actually what I am looking for, now I just need to figure out how to bridge it with PySide.
Thank you :)