Singleton instance of QSplashScreen
You can make wrapper class for working with QSplashScreen and use it as singleton.
Just create your own custom singleton-class which will have private QSplashScreen field and two public methods: one for setting this field (from place where you are creating splashscreen) and second for setting message.
Mmm, QApplication is commonly initialized in main() method. Maybe you mean QSplashScreen? If yes, than I think it will be ok for you to init it in main() too.
@class MySplash : public QSplashScreen
explicit MySplash(QObject parent = 0);
static MySplash instance();private:
MySplash* _inst;
MySplash MySplash::_inst = 0;
MySplash* MySplash::instance()
if ( !_inst )
_inst = new MySplash();
return _inst;
}@ -
@class SplashScreen : public QSplashScreen{
static SplashScreen* getInstance();
void destroyInstance();
void SetSplashScreen();
void SetMessage(const std::wstring& message);
QString *splashMessage;
CString progressText;private:
QSplashScreen *hostSplash_;
SplashScreen() {}~SplashScreen(){}
static SplashScreen* m_pInstance;
};@.h file
@SplashScreen* SplashScreen::m_pInstance = NULL;
SplashScreen* SplashScreen::getInstance() {
if(NULL == m_pInstance ) {
m_pInstance = new SplashScreen();
return m_pInstance;
}void SplashScreen::destroyInstance() {
delete m_pInstance;
m_pInstance = NULL;
}void SplashScreen::SetMessage(const std::wstring& message ) {
progressText = message.c_str();
char pC = (char)(LPCTSTR)progressText ;
void SplashScreen::SetSplashScreen() {
hostSplash_ = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap(":Resource Files/splash.jpg"));
}@ -
Why do you use CString and std::wstring for setting/storing text? Why not QString? Also using CString and LPCTSTR type will break cross-platform compatibility.
2moderators of this section: please move this thread to more correspondent category (Desktop I think)