QML TabBar - Universal style makes the tabs move
Hey guys. I am using a TabBar in my application and I really like the Universal application style. There is however one faily significant issue I've noticed. Basically tab bars become incredibly unintuitive because they always move the tabs so that the currently selected tab is on the left.
For example if I have the following Tabs with Tab1 selected (denoted by the chevrons):
<Tab1> | Tab 2 | Tab 3
Selecting Tab 2 will rearrange the tab order to the following:
<Tab 2> | Tab 3 | Tab 1
And then selecting Tab 3 will again rearrange the tab order to the following:
<Tab 3> | Tab 1 | Tab 2
I understand I could simply use another style but the general style of Universal is much nicer than the others in my opinion so I'd hate to have to settle for what I consider a reduced application visual quality just because the tabs are mental.
Is there a way to either stop the tabs from rearranging themselves or to style just the TabBar using a different style?