@Markkyboy Unfortunately, this method didn’t work for me, and I’m genuinely unsure why. However, I found an alternative solution to address the issue.
I created an alias property that controls the visibility of my ScrollView. By doing so, the entire page becomes hidden when necessary.
Here is the code:
Item { id: root default property alias content: columnLayout.data property alias pageTitle: titleText.text property alias contentVisible: scrollView.visible // Set this to 'false' when using component. implicitWidth: 300 implicitHeight: 300 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "white" // ScrollView to enable vertical scrolling for the page. ScrollView { id: scrollView anchors.fill: parent contentWidth: -1 // Disable horizontal scrolling contentHeight: columnLayout.height ColumnLayout { id: columnLayout anchors.fill: parent clip: true // Title text for the page. Text { id: titleText horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: "black" } } } } }This works for now. But, I still don't understand why the normal one does not work. Does this have to do with something in version 6.7.3?