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    Yes, you are right. Was not really obvious to me.

    Here is an updated version of the config.xml of the online example of installer framework

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Installer> <Name>Online Installer Example</Name> <Version>1.0.0</Version> <Title>Online Installer Example</Title> <Publisher>The Qt Company</Publisher> <!-- Directory name is used in component.xml --> <StartMenuDir>Qt IFW Examples</StartMenuDir> <TargetDir>@HomeDir@/IfwExamples/online</TargetDir> <!-- Change required to have English as startup language e.g. when you have an OS with German as standard language --> <Translations> <Translation>en.qm</Translation> </Translations> <!-- End of change for translation --> <RemoteRepositories> <Repository> <Url>http://localhost/repository</Url> </Repository> </RemoteRepositories> </Installer>

    The installer starts then with all text in English. Tested on Windows 7 64bit with German as local language.