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    @Christian-Ehrlicher said in Collisions with custom QGraphicsItem that inherits from QObject:

    @JonB But it will behave exactly as his class wrt to the pointers:

    Absolutely true! Hence I said

    Apart from the answer @Christian-Ehrlicher has given to the question you ask.

    This is just a suggestion for if OP does want equivalent for the class CustomRect : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem. Not that it will change any behaviour wrt to pointers question.

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    13 Posts

    What about dumping the content of the data structures you are using to see what's inside and if anything changes while you are accessing/modifying it ?

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    Okay, I have come up with a solution. I have setup a better handling for the hittest evaluation. I first check which side of the intersected boundingbox the moved item is closest to. Then I set the x, or y coordinate accordingly. I added some helper functions for this, to compute point-line distance and closest side of a rect to a point. They are all included in the snippet below.

    NOTE: the collision test will also evaluate and prohibit the item to exceed the scene bounds. It will also only solve, overlapping one other item. If the border test results in another overlap I simply set the position back to where it was prior to mouse move. Works a lot nicer than my initial implementation though.

    enum CustomGraphicsItem::BOX_SIDE { LEFT, RIGHT, UPPER, LOWER }; void CustomGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* e) { if(mode_ == MOVE) { QPointF p = pos(); QGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(e); QPointF p_new = pos(); QList<QGraphicsItem*> col_it = collidingItems(Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect); if(col_it.size() > 0) { qreal x_min = col_it[0]->pos().x() - boundingRect().width(); qreal x_max = col_it[0]->pos().x() + col_it[0]->boundingRect().width(); qreal y_min = col_it[0]->pos().y() - boundingRect().height(); qreal y_max = col_it[0]->pos().y() + col_it[0]->boundingRect().height(); QRectF rect(QPointF(x_min, y_min), QPointF(x_max, y_max)); switch(closestSide(p_new, rect)) { case LEFT: p_new.setX(x_min); break; case RIGHT: p_new.setX(x_max); break; case UPPER: p_new.setY(y_min); break; case LOWER: p_new.setY(y_max); break; } setPos(p_new); } // check if item in scene bounds qreal max_x = scene()->width() - boundingRect().width(); qreal max_y = scene()->height() - boundingRect().height(); if (x() < 0) setPos(0, y()); else if (x() > max_x) setPos(max_x, y()); if (y() < 0) setPos(x(), 0); else if (y() > max_y) setPos(x(), max_y); // if still colliding set pos back to start col_it = collidingItems(Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect); if(col_it.size() > 0) setPos(p); } } qreal CustomGraphicsItem::distance(const QPointF &p, const QLineF &l) { QPointF p1 = l.p1(); QPointF p2 = l.p2(); qreal x = p.x() - p1.x(); qreal y = p.y() - p1.y(); qreal x2 = p2.x() - p1.x(); qreal y2 = p2.y() - p1.y(); // if line is a point, return distance between point and one line node qreal norm = sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2); if (norm <= std::numeric_limits<int>::epsilon()) return sqrt(x*x + y*y); // distance return fabs(x*y2 - y*x2) / norm; } CustomGraphicsItem::BOX_SIDE CustomGraphicsItem::closestSide(const QPointF &p, const QRectF &rect) { qreal x_min = rect.x(); qreal x_max = rect.x() + rect.width(); qreal y_min = rect.y(); qreal y_max = rect.y() + rect.height(); qreal temp_dist = 0; // left QLineF l(QPointF(x_min, y_min), QPointF(x_min, y_max)); qreal min_dist = distance(p,l); BOX_SIDE side = LEFT; // right l.setPoints(QPointF(x_max,y_min), QPointF(x_max, y_max)); temp_dist = distance(p,l); if(temp_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = temp_dist; side = RIGHT; } // upper l.setPoints(QPointF(x_min, y_min), QPointF(x_max, y_min)); temp_dist = distance(p,l); if(temp_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = temp_dist; side = UPPER; } // lower l.setPoints(QPointF(x_min, y_max), QPointF(x_max, y_max)); temp_dist = distance(p,l); if(temp_dist < min_dist) { min_dist = temp_dist; side = LOWER; } return side; }
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    3 Posts

    That's the manual way i talked about uptop but thanks anyways :)
    It reassures me that i'm not "re-inventing" the wheel by applying this method .

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    4 Posts

    @Cold_Distance said:

    I was trying to collide two animated rectangles since a long ago, and I don't find any way to get it.

    What technology are you using? The Qt Graphics View Framework? Qt Quick? OpenGL? Something else?

    Here's a Graphics View Framework example:

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    Please don't raise threads from the dead without a good reason.

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    @Rondog Will look into vectors, right now I am just looking at the ball bouncing back and forth, but will want to implement more complex movements later. Thank you for your answer.