Ovi Store do not accept Qt Quick developed applications
This is what I read in this site, about the new 1.1 Qt Sdk Beta. It sound me a little strange, because in most cases the new Qt has changes that don't seems to affect the code of the applications, but only the environment. As a matter of fact the compiler and the engines are not so changed. But it is not so important.
Developing a new app (or importing an existing one) in the new environment, is best, so is possible to "downgrade" the finished and tested app (that use Qt Quick / QML for the UI) to the previeous 1.0 SDK / Qt 4.7, recompile and distribute through the Ovi market?
To my experience Nokia phones automatically update their firmware. At least my phone asked me about Symbian^3 PR1.1 when it became available. Therefore you can start developing targeting Symbian^3 PR2.0, which is expected to be released within a few months (Mai?=). Secondly there is a feature called "smart installer", which allows you to ship needed dependencies with your app. Smart installer based Qt 4.7 support was said to be available on OVI in Q1?
Thank you, AlterX
I had... in these days :)
Take a look to http://projects.developer.nokia.com/Qt_Complex
Thanks. Enrico