Qt Certification benefits for firms
Hello all together!
I'm just talked to my boss about Qt Certification, in the meaning: the firm should pay for this certification :) ... He asked me to find some benefits of Qt Certification for firm, not for employee itself...
Is where any? I mean other then putting Qt Nokia Certification Logo on firm website about having Qt Certificated employees... Something like any kind of support for projects in which the Qt Framework will be used, or maybe access to any kind of test devices or prototypes or something else????
Thank you in advance for your answers! -
Depending on the kind of services your company delivers:
The benefit for the firm would be that showing that they work with certified developers, would add a seal of quality to the products or services the company delivers. For a Qt consulting company, such a thing would be obvious: you want the consultant you work with to have a proven track record, however much or little that means.
bq. The benefit for the firm would be that showing that they work with certified developers, would add a seal of quality to the products or services the company delivers.
It's the same what i said :) :
bq. putting Qt Nokia Certification Logo on firm website about having Qt Certificated employees…
bq. For a Qt consulting company
No, we are not consulting company actually.
Maybe not that big :) but it is an benefit! :)
[quote author="Andre" date="1300794344"]You need to be a certified developer in order to be able to become a Nokia Qt Ambassador and get your application on the showcase page? Not sure if that is a big benefit :-)[/quote]
AFAIK you don’t need to be. I suppose it helps them to identify you better if you have the cert but anyway.
If I would need to answer in one line, I would say, "certification is a unified way to measure qualification". When we've started the project we did quite some studies about certification in general. We also continue to watch this, in order to be up-to-date. A few facts we discovered were interesting. So we've decided create a short summary of our findings. If interested, "check it out here":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/benefits/it-certification-study.
bq. the higher the concentration of certified professionals in a company, the more performance improvement that company sees. Their findings show that companies' performance increases when their developers get certified
bq. increasing concordance with standards, improving application performance, deployment timeliness and performance in application development in general
bq. increase the a technology consultants credibility to the client are valuable to the employer as well as to the team
bq. Certification has long been used by individuals and the companies that employ them as a differentiator in the IT Industry
bq. Employees who hold XYZ certifications bring more advanced skill sets to provide higher levels of service and productivity, giving your business a competitive advantage
bq. Certification ensures your organization is built on top-quality technical talent
That's all is absolutely correct, but is too generalized...
Thank you for that link! Very interesting!
But the question is: which benefits gives Qt Certification for firms?
I mean like: Coffee cups with Qt logo or candies :) <- of course it's a joke, but You understand what I mean, right? :) -
[quote author="Smar" date="1300795281"]
[quote author="Andre" date="1300794344"]You need to be a certified developer in order to be able to become a Nokia Qt Ambassador and get your application on the showcase page? Not sure if that is a big benefit :-)[/quote]AFAIK you don’t need to be. I suppose it helps them to identify you better if you have the cert but anyway.[/quote]
Yup, you don't need to be, I am an ambassador, but not certified.
It's up to you, do you want to be certified by Nokia Qt ? If yes, then good.
And if not ,then there is no problem.If you have the knowledge of Qt and it's products then it is good title.
To become Qt Ambassador ,you have good Qt related project, that you have to showcase to Nokia Qt. (But you do not need to certified by Qt).
Concerning "other" benefits. We have some, e.g. Qt Certification is integrated into our relationship with "partner companies":http://qt.nokia.com/services-partners/partners in a few ways. AFIK, our partner program is going to introduce changes which will provide entry levels as well. Stay tuned. On the other hand, we need to keep this in a good balance! There are some other certification programs were "other" corporate are so attractive that chefs push people to do certification by all means. Do we want this? Does it fit with the Qt's spirit?
it's not all about me... I will make certification any way, I just want to push CEO to pay for certification for every employee(Developers of course) and trainee :)
And I'm working in "land of the paper", so was just searched for a good reasons to provide them to our CEO :)@Vladimir,
thank you for your useful answers! I think I have enough points to convince our CEO :) -
Maybe it is a bit late to reply but there is one more benefit. Your company will show that it cares about the competences of it's employees. It is a good sign for possible new hires that your company is a place where one can develop and improve its skills.
ps: Hope that you have convinced your CEO.