Qt Ambassador Badge
I suggest we should have similar Badge for Qt Ambassador
Please vote :)
If you would have searched dev net for badges, you could have found posts like this:
"Alexandra about badges etc.":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/4246/#26098 -
We will add special badges for Qt Ambassadors and Qt Certifications - in addition to the more traditional badges you can earn - like "500 posts on the forum". The goal is of course to add a sense of achievement and some fun for anyone hanging out with us here on DevNet :)
The back-end work is already done, as in data model and logic. The front-end work was drawn up by the designer on Friday and a selection of test badges have been made.
If you're an active member you will probably gather a nice collection of badges. You get to select two badges to show under your picture on the forum and in comments around the site. (Troll badges will always show as one of those)
That's the status now, give it two iterations for testing and general polish and we (Alexandra, Gurudutt and I) hope to present this to you all asap.
[quote author="mariusg" date="1300581560"]
If you're an active member you will probably gather a nice collection of badges. You get to select two badges to show under your picture on the forum and in comments around the site. (Troll badges will always show as one of those)[/quote]Only two? :)
[quote author="peppe" date="1300581907"]
Only two? :)
[/quote]The rest will show on your profile page. Imagine a forum discussion between you and chetankjain if all your 12 badges are displayed directly at your profile picture for every reply... it would look like a Christmas tree :)
We will of course show a number of total badges together with your two badges of choice. Or one badge of choice in my case. :/
[quote]The rest will show on your profile page. Imagine a forum discussion between you and chetankjain if all your 12 badges are displayed directly at your profile picture for every reply… it would look like a Christmas tree :)[/quote]
Who doesn't like Christmas trees? :)
It's a good idea have a badge for Qt Ambassador.
Guys, as Marius already said it will be after some time (and not only for Qt Ambassador). Please be patient.