Hide "add new post" area by default if the logged in user is the last one to have responded to the topic
I have a suggestion:
Some people tend to use the forum as a chat channel, posting multiple messages in quick succession with new thoughts, updates, etc. Instead, they should simply edit their last message. This will result in more coherent conversations. Because asking people nicely for this doesn't seem to work, nor demonstrating it, I suggest that we can perhaps hide the comment area if the user is the last one to have responded in the topic (with an option to get it again, because there are legit reasons for making multiple postings) or at least display a warning above it/on the submit button that you can better edit your last message instead. -
[quote author="Volker" date="1300124764"]I'm not a friend of forcing things, but a big red warning, would be ok. And then a "do you really want it" check box, which the user has to switch on.
Wasn't there a thread on this topic some months ago... I'll have a look later on.[/quote]
No, no, no forcing please. As I said: there are legit cases for this. But some way to hide the quick-reply might work well. I am on a different forum that does this, and that works well. -
repeat comment within a short span of time could be avoided. but say after 1 day, the whole context could've changed, the user might see things in a different light and at that point of time, going back to edit the last comment might not make sense. Better to post a new reply makes more sense in this case ...
The discussion in threads "It would be better to autojoin my posts in discussion if they go successively":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2568/ and "[Suggestion] Block replies if someone else posted in the meanwhile":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2623/ cover this topic (partially) too.