Independant software developer ( freelancer ) asks how to get certified?
I agree with Gerolf. You should probably contact PearsonVue. You could try to reset your password at the PV website, so you can at least see what is already in their system and find out how it got there.
AFAIK, you need to be physically in the test center. The test allows no referencing of documentation or notes, so that would require a controlled environment. Indeed, as Gerolf says, there has been a test center at the DevDays the last two years, and you could take the test there at a significant discount on those occasions.
Thank you very much for responces!
What does it mean:If you joind QtDevDays in autumn, perhaps there again will be a test center, like in the last 2 years.
Online test center you mean? Or local test center?
there has been a test center at the DevDays the last two years, and you could take the test there at a significant discount on those occasions.
What is an essence of such center at DevDays?
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1300095912"]If you joind QtDevDays in autumn, perhaps there again will be a test center, like in the last 2 years.
Online test center you mean? Or local test center?[/quote]
Local, that the DevDays location.[quote]What is an essence of such center at DevDays?
That you can take Qt related tests while visiting the DevDays, and that you pay significantly less for that than if you take it on another location during the rest of the year :) -
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1300097783"]I think, it was half the price, right?
And as Andre said:No seperate place, just go there to the test center which was located at the hotel and do the test :-)[/quote]
Yeah, I paid half price in 2009 for the Essentials test there (not sure how much that one was in 2010), and nothing to take the Beta tests for the advanced certification. However, as they say here for stock-related commercials: results in the past are no guarantee for those in the future. You don't know for sure if there is going to be a test center again this year, nor if they will have reduced fees to take the tests.
QtDevDays looks awesome!
I understand more than 80% of things that are going there.
But they stopped to meet, didn't they? Why?
I try to contribute as much as I can to the community.
I'd like to get some kind of official registraton and test passing so as not to be "who knows who is this guy?"
The maybe surprising thing is that I've learned software development by myself.
Is it possible to get acquired by somebody if I really know to develop, I understand the things
but I have no appropriated academical document?
14.03.2011 -
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1300099989"]Hey!
QtDevDays looks awesome!
I understand more than 80% of things that are going there.
But they stopped to meet, didn't they? Why?[/quote]
How do you gather that? I fully expect there to be a 2011 edition!
I try to contribute as much as I can to the community.
Sounds like an excellent idea :)
I'd like to get some kind of official registraton and test passing so as not to be "who knows who is this guy?"
The maybe surprising thing is that I've learned software development by myself.
Is it possible to get acquired by somebody if I really know to develop, I understand the things
but I have no appropriated academical document?
Actually, I feel that this is quite a common situation. A lot of people have learned programming for themselves, gathering information whereever they could. I started programming on a C-64 back in those days myself, based on just some books and a lot of experimenting. I did get some formal training later on, but that did not teach me much new stuff, at least not on the actual programming part. Getting certification can be a way to prove that you have a good basis in programming and Qt especially, but it is not the only way. Also consider showcasing to the world what you are up to, for instance by becoming a contributor to a KDE or other open source project. -
Actually I am interesting in very specific applications development
when I see the need in it, when I see the exact usage and of course customers
Not all open source projects have a great usage.
So for KDE I do not contribute but I'll take a look what is going on there. -
Concerning the role of Pearson VUE.
Pearson VUE delivers exams world-wide over a network of test centers. Around 3000 test centers delivering Qt exams today. Pearson VUE does this for many other customers, e.g. Adobe. They are no idea of Qt as technology and so do not provide any training. They have a broad and long term experience with delivering exams. This is why we use their service.
Online exams.
People ask this again and again. We have started the program with exams available in a test center only. This provides the max possible level of security. "Security" means here making sure that it is not easy to cheat, fake ID and do other bad things. The rational is simple: the least what you would like to see is that your exam has no value anyway since it is so easy to cheat or get somebody to do it for you on the web. Certainly, there can be some other use case other exams/test on the web. We have this on the todo list... together with other things...
Your account
I've checked our records. There is an account assigned to your name. It was created quite some while ago. I will send your ID per email. Call Pearson (see "this link":, refer to this ID and ask to reset your password on the web.
Local test center
An older list of all test centers shows that "Computer Academy STEP" ran a Pearson test center in Nikolaev. It is not listed today for some reasons. Maybe it makes sense to contact them and ask how they can support you in Nikolaev. -
Thank you Vladimir,
Qt is very powerfull really state of the art tool you never find.
It is fact.
I develop using Qt very seriously and I regard to thing very carefully.
I will try to contact "Computer STEP Academy" also but it looks they do not know about Qt at all, they look like very poor and undeveloped as a lot of things in Ukraine. I do not think they work with Pearson VUE
I prefer to be in touch with much more developed institution and people around the world. -
Not sure, I was clear. “Computer STEP Academy” is one of the test centers under contract with Pearson. Like any other, they just run exams, and possibly have no idea what exams are about. There are other companies and communities with Qt know-how.
I split off a completely unrelated posting from Pavel containing two questions on Qt usage/roadmap to this new thread: "Sound and the using of the Resource system":
The online site on lists "Computer Academy Step - Nikolaev" in Nikolaev as a test center. (click on locate a test center, choos "Nokia Qt" as testing program, select Ukraine for the country).
Anything wrong with the result? Did you search yourself already?
[quote author="Volker" date="1300121096"]The online site on lists "Computer Academy Step - Nikolaev" in Nikolaev as a test center. (click on locate a test center, choos "Nokia Qt" as testing program, select Ukraine for the country).
Anything wrong with the result? Did you search yourself already?[/quote]
Yes, of course: you!
bq. I’ve checked our records. There is an account assigned to your name. It was created quite some while ago. I will send your ID per email. Call Pearson (see this link []), refer to this ID and ask to reset your password on the web.
Vladimir! Sorry I do not understand what is going on with my account at Pearson venue - they do not register my email but I can't login also. I need to "retrieve" my account
You said call them, to what country to call? Can I contact them by email? How?
15.03.2011 -
[quote author="Pavel Mazniker" date="1300198884"]You said call them, to what country to call? Can I contact them by email? How?[/quote]
Their numbers are listed on the website. Really. I know, because I had to call them not too long ago too. They have access numbers in most countries it seemed, though i think I got redirected to a call center abroad.