Question about platform for Ovi store
Hi to all, I have a little question for this forum. If I develop an application for desktop platforms only, can I distribute through ovi store or it's a must that the distributed applications should run on mobile plaftorms?
Thank you.
I registered and at the actual date I potentially can distribute my applications through Ovi. I read most of the documentation related to publishing in the ovi programme and I don't find any notice about the kind of products that can be distributed. It is also true that I have not yet found other than mobile applications searching as a common user under ovistore.
But when u submit your application to ovi store, don't u have to mention about the target device from the list ?
As a user when i am browsing through ovi store, i have to select my device then available apps for that are sorted out so same should be applicable at the time of submission i guess -
This is what I supposed to be, my answer was only to be sure.
Does someone know if there is some alternative? It's strange because QT for desktop is a great development support. -
Try this
Great !!!
Incredible, this site was totally unknown to me!!!
Many thanks. :)
You have made a very good question, and I have thought about this for sometime. To my knolege, Ovi only sells mobile apps. I don't now how profitale it is but for surely is profitable.
And since Nokia owns Qt, with would be a wonderfull strategie to start selling desktop apps, just like Apple did recently. Nokia, would then grab another piece of pie in another market segment, and I bet a lot of developers would be happy. Because the concept of a centralized store is just wonderfull for small developers who just care about development and don't know/don't care/ don't have resources to reach to a wider audience like a app store do. And I'm not gonna talk about the new tablet's using Meego, that will be ungry for software.
Surely, Nokia could say that's not there bussiness, they want to sell phones, but since the Ovi Store motor is up and running, technically would not be hard at all to adapt it. And this would be so good for the future of Qt.I don't want to say more, because I don't want to start another flamming war, but I still amazed how this guy comes along talking about a burning plataform, then calls for help to a fire department in a country in the other side of the ocean, when he has all the good soldiers he needs, in house, to fight the fire.
Fire apart, I think that the problem is that - as I initially supposed - Ovi born to sell mobile applications, for Nokia devices. Thus, if at your eyes appear simple to start also the desktop market, unfortunately it's not so, I think. Apple recently started a market for desktop applications, it's true, but the situation is totally different: Apple create mobile (recently) and tablet platforms covering a side of its market, that is since tens of years the one of the desktop. Then, Apple "educated" it's customers to be apple-centric and to use Internet store as one of their primary resources for both devices and applications.
Nokia sell phones only.
Seeing the things by this point of view, I totally agree with you that Ovi is surely profitable and can give great visibility: so why not to create desktop applications and at least "light" versions or "demo" of the same applications (or a mobile component too) so the mobile package can be sold or freely distributed through Ovistore. Is there that 4 Millions of users daily goes, so is there that you can really promote your desktop application.I read a lot of the posts on these forums, but I never see anything from developers that distribute their product for Nokia devices to speak about results, impact, users and customers returns etc. I am developing some desktop application that born - really from their project - as a "double-face" applications including a mobile version (similar but smaller than their desktop full-featured cousin) This happens in next month so as I have news about the returns from this marketing strategy I post some updates.
Ovi and Ovi related services are only tend to the Mobile Platform. I have not seen any Desktop related application in Ovi store. Probably If it connects mobile with desktop then contact theim using email address.
Otherwise try here :, or Qt centre website.
Hi qrahul, thank you very much. wishwajeet already got me that link, that I had never seen and it seems for now the best solution for desktop-onl project. Regarding mobile with desktop integration applications, the idea to contact them directly by mail can be the solution. Probably the first thing to do is to publish the mobile application on Ovi store then ask them how to notify and/or promote the desktop version of the same; as a matter of fact, not all the project are the same application version for both mobile and desktop but are desktop integration application that works on mobile devices.
A good way to promote your desktop app throw your Ovi mobile app would be to put a link to your website in the description field. Also you can add a about box or something like that in your Ovi app, saying that there's a desktop version and the respective website.
Thank you, next days it is ready so I notice this in showcase.