How soon/often is the google search updated
I just now (2011-01-15 00:55 GMT+01) stumbled over a stale result of the google search:
Search for "snipets" ( gives wiki page "Code_Snipets":, which has been removed recently.
How often resp. when is the google search index updated?
I just checked the Google webmaster stats and yesterday it crawled 8 thousand pages.
We have about 28 thousand pages all in all so it will take a few days to go over them. And I bet Google has some funky algorithm to crawl some pages more frequently than others, so dividing 28 on 8 probably doesn't make sense.
Doesn't look like Google provides that data. (
The value of having the date there is marginal isn't it? It wouldn't solve the issue of hitting a page that is no longer there.