Customized GUI application with scaling capability.
I have developed a couple of Qt based GUI applications with customized bitmap background and bitmap widgets within fixed size windows or widgets. Now I am starting to develop a new GUI application with all bitmap based custom widgets within sizable windows or widgets in order to support various screen resolutions. That means that I have to resize the background image and customized icon buttons accordingly. I don't have a good sulotion at all on this new project and still researching and experimenting. If someone has already done this kind of project or has any good idea about how to design and implement for this kind of project, you could save me or other developers lots of development time.
Thank you!
Hello billz
I am developing and using (and reusing) components that are all resizable depending on different resolutions from small mobile screens to desktop. Ask what you need exactly and if possible I help you. I have in mind to add some wiki pages dedicated to these components.
Let's say I developed a GUI app which runs on a fixed size resolution 800x600. All the controls are developed using PNG images. The window's background is a JPG image. Users can't resize the window. Now I have to allow users to resize the window. I can easily resize the background image to fit into the window. However, all the customized GUI controls have to resize in order to fit into the resized window and recalculate their positions (dynamically change GUI control's geometry). I am not sure that it is the right solution when I was looking into this problem. If the GUI is developed with stardard GUI controls using Qt, window resizing is not a big problem at all as long as I use the correct layouts with right properties. Qt will resize and reposition these GUI controls correctly.
What you say is correct. Qt standard controls has no problems when windows resizes because they are dinamically defined. This is not a problem also using custom controls, as is. It is obvious that as the user can change the windows geometry as the application should put limits. Exceeding these limits nothing real happens to the application (i.e. don't crash) but some of the controls are not visible due to the physical dimensions of the window itself. Excluding the case-limit that are obvious and the user simply should avoid seeing that not all the information are viewables your problem seems that the GUI uses a static positioning of the elements. It is hard to discuss about this if you don't put some example of the code.
Take in account that for my needs on some projects I am working on at this moment I am preparing a first beta of what I have announced some post before. Stay in touch about this if you are interested and please post examples of what you mean for your controls (also a button can be sufficient to clearly understand the style you have used.)
Hello billz,
i remembered this post just now. Yesterday I released "Qt-Complex 1.0beta": and befofe to go ahead in this project (other parts are tested and ready to be insterted) I am updating the project wiki with a decent and helpful usage documentation. Is this what you need to help your deveopment ? Let me know it it is useful.
Cheers. Enrico
Hi biliz,
as promised today I released Qt-Complex 1.1.0 Harmattan with device-independent Geometry feature. For more information take a look to this post with all the link coordinates:
Cheers, Enrico