Code copied from 'http' example has issues
When I copied the code from the example into my own project I found that
#include <QtNetwork> has to be #include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork> and #include <QNetworkAccessManager> has to be #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager> the 'connect' method in the http events wants to be derived from a class and I get an error in a file that I will not be ready to understand for ten years some 'meta object thing'the header is
#ifndef GETHTML_H #define GETHTML_H #include <QProgressDialog> #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager> #include <QUrl> #include <memory> class gethtml { public: gethtml(); QString htmlContent; QString errorText; QString user; QString password; bool haslod; void downloadFile(QString myurl); //QVector<QChar> binContent; private slots: void startRequest(const QUrl &requestedUrl); void httpFinished(); void httpReadyRead(); void sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors); void slotAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkReply *, QAuthenticator *authenticator); private: QUrl url; QNetworkAccessManager qnam; QScopedPointer<QNetworkReply, QScopedPointerDeleteLater> reply; bool httpRequestAborted = false; }; #endif // GETHTML_H
the source is
#include "gethtml.h" #include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork> #include <QUrl> #include <algorithm> #include <memory> //#if QT_CONFIG(ssl) gethtml::gethtml(){ QNetworkAccessManager::connect(&qnam, &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, this, &gethtml::slotAuthenticationRequired); } void gethtml::startRequest(const QUrl &requestedUrl) { url = requestedUrl; httpRequestAborted = false; //! [qnam-download] reply.reset(qnam.get(QNetworkRequest(url))); //! [qnam-download] //! [connecting-reply-to-slots] connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &gethtml::httpFinished); //! [networkreply-readyread-1] connect(reply.get(), &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &gethtml::httpReadyRead); //! [networkreply-readyread-1] #if QT_CONFIG(ssl) //! [sslerrors-1] connect(reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &gethtml::sslErrors); //! [sslerrors-1] #endif //! [connecting-reply-to-slots] errorText = ""; haslod = false; // statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloading %1...").arg(url.toString())); } void gethtml::downloadFile(QString myurl) { const QString urlSpec = myurl.trimmed(); if (urlSpec.isEmpty()) return; const QUrl newUrl = QUrl::fromUserInput(urlSpec); if (!newUrl.isValid()) { return; } // schedule the request startRequest(newUrl); } void gethtml::httpFinished() { //! [networkreply-error-handling-1] QNetworkReply::NetworkError error = reply->error(); const QString &errorString = reply->errorString(); //! [networkreply-error-handling-1] reply.reset(); //! [networkreply-error-handling-2] if (error != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // For "request aborted" we handle the label and button in cancelDownload() if (!httpRequestAborted) { errorText = reply->error(); } return; } //! [networkreply-error-handling-2] //statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloaded %1 bytes to %2\nin\n%3")); // if (launchCheckBox->isChecked()) // QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fi.absoluteFilePath())); //downloadButton->setEnabled(true); haslod = true; } //! [networkreply-readyread-2] void gethtml::httpReadyRead() { // This slot gets called every time the QNetworkReply has new data. // We read all of its new data and write it into the file. // That way we use less RAM than when reading it at the finished() // signal of the QNetworkReply htmlContent += reply->readAll(); } //! [networkreply-readyread-2] //! [qnam-auth-required-2] void gethtml::slotAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkReply *, QAuthenticator *authenticator) { // QDialog authenticationDialog; //Ui::Dialog ui; //ui.setupUi(&authenticationDialog); //authenticationDialog.adjustSize(); //ui.siteDescription->setText(tr("%1 at %2").arg(authenticator->realm(),; // Did the URL have information? Fill the UI. // This is only relevant if the URL-supplied credentials were wrong //ui.userEdit->setText(url.userName()); //ui.passwordEdit->setText(url.password()); //if (authenticationDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { authenticator->setUser(user); authenticator->setPassword(password); // } } //! [qnam-auth-required-2] //#if QT_CONFIG(ssl) //! [sslerrors-2] void gethtml::sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors) { QString errorString = ""; for (const QSslError &error : errors) { if (!errorString.isEmpty()) errorString += '\n'; errorString += error.errorString(); } errorText = errorString; //reply->ignoreSslErrors(); } //! [sslerrors-2] //#endif
I hope someone can help me.
@AI_Messiah said in Code copied from 'http' example has issues:
When I copied the code from the example into my own project I found that
You forgot to add the QtNetwork module as described in the documentation and the example also for sure has this line in the .pro-file
qmake: QT += network
Actually I did insert this 'QT += network' in the project file
@AI_Messiah Then the compiler and linker will also use the correct include paths and libs. Don't forget to rerun qmake and you modified the correct pro file.
@AI_Messiah said in Code copied from 'http' example has issues:
and I get an error in a file that I will not be ready to understand for ten years some 'meta object thing'
After you have followed @Christian-Ehrlicher's instructions to rebuild thoroughly, if you still get this error you should paste it rather than giving us your interpretation! :)
@Mr_Ada Don't see what this has to do with your initial issue...
@Christian-Ehrlicher Sorry for the late response. I just saw the notification today. I am trying to communicate with MyFitnessPal using HTTP example from QT and the authentication signal never gets triggered. I don't know if it is me or maybe the openssl package I have installed or am using. Seems to not work in Windows or Android. So basically I am saying I did all that was said here but I still cannot communicate with MyFitnessPal. Could be something I am just not missing. I know that MFP uses OAuth and so does Qt so maybe I am not using the right link?