Qtoolbox - "Swiss Army Knife" for the busy Qt developer
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1280350720"]Looks promising, waiting for other tools.[/quote]
We are trying to find the time to take some of the code we wrote for our projects and pack it in a "generic and reusable" way.
Most of the stuff is there, but it needs good internal Doc and Unit Test.
Stay tuned ;)
yes, it seemed very promising and no update after July.
It's good but what about more tools? For example KDE's qDebug() is better than Qt's, what about incorporating such tools or merging them? It's an open source project so we should look forward on contributing :)
[quote author="Immii" date="1293382946"]if there is something good then in my opinion we should have that in gitorius rather github thats the way it will bring in notice for thousands of Qt developers.[/quote]
Well it's a repository, one can use whatever is suitable for them. I really don't know what is the difference between github and gitorious because both are using git.
Hello guys.
Yes, we haven't been working actively on this.
But it's not dead.
After all we have already built those instruments: they are part of live, released software.
But the idea here was to clean up some of this bits, make them abstract, and release them as free to use.I'm trying to coordinate with Luca Colantonio @lucabox a return to releasing.
GitHub? It's just what we already had in place, and I don't think makes any difference for us to move away from it or not.
It's still a "git clone" away ;) -
BTW, it's an open project.
Patches and contribution are MORE than welcome. -
[quote author="detronizator" date="1293394267"]
GitHub? It's just what we already had in place, and I don't think makes any difference for us to move away from it or not.
It's still a "git clone" away ;)[/quote]exactly :)
In fact, just found "one":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Category:Add-ons.
Maybe we can all add some of our favorites there... we may need to reorganize them later...
[quote author="fcrochik" date="1293402821"]In fact, just found "one":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Category:Add-ons.
Maybe we can all add some of our favorites there... we may need to reorganize them later... [/quote]
I edited the wiki and added qtoolbox in it.