[Poll] Select the Qt India group picture
Images as below
!http://media.share.ovi.com/m1/st/2639/3a040101b64549b6bb14d857b7ff8296.jpg (The Flag)!
!http://media.share.ovi.com/m1/st/2639/adaa958a678740f3aa5a0380f7cd7cc6.jpg (2nd Stamp in free India)!
!http://media.share.ovi.com/m1/st/2639/f82c2f5b602f4a4c9765a71a82ae66f4.jpg (Taj Mahal)!
!http://media.share.ovi.com/m1/st/2639/15d1dc38ea434768896c8b40b4f8dedd.jpg (Ashoka Chakra)!
Updated: Poll ends Dec 31st 2010. Sorry for an error, the Indian Emblem is prohibited for use as per the 2005 act. So that can't be considered as a candidate. Regret the error.
According to THE STATE EMBLEM OF INDIA (PROHIBITION OF IMPROPER USE) ACT, 2005, we should not use. source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emblem_of_India. So, postal stamp is good.
Qt Logo created by Bhuwan will be nice as its showing our National Flag but before doing all this take permission from Qt Administrator..good work
Hi, although I'm not in Qt India Group, we had the same discussion in german group. Volker asked Marius, and he said, it's not allowed. We wanted to use original Qt logoon bottom of out language speak :-)
And changing the logo is definitly not allowed, see "here":http://qt.nokia.com/about/logos-for-download
We can also use Indian Gate. Here is link for the gate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_Gate. We can make modifications too to make as a logo....
[quote author="chetankjain" date="1294043887"]So the Indian flag it is then, max votes 9 of 33!
Updating the group with the same and now this poll is closed.Thanks to all who voiced their opinion/cast their vote!
[/quote]Cool, we have our final picture now :)