Komedy Video Player
Hi folks,
I just added support for ambient light sensor to the Komedy Remote. Video worth more than a thousand words:
Awesome work! The light switch becomes the pause button.
By the way, I tried to visit your website but it seems to be down?
http://komedy.spartansoft.org/ -
Thanks Sacha.
I think the web site is now working, I just tried it...
Nice! Now I can download it.
By the way, is it in the Ovi Store?You're using an old Smart Installer (0.17??), 1.1 is out now.
Testing it out now, thanks!
By the way, do you have the app sans SmartInstaller? I think it's not working because I have Qt4.7.1. "Installation Failed"
You are right, that's a very old version, right now (since this morning) I am working on a new version which includes sensors functionality and ability to control boxee (www.boxee.tv) ability... after that I am planning on releasing it to Ovi Store.
Thanks Sacha, I really appreciate it :)
Hm, didn't see this page at July, but found it now. Milot, are there any time estimations for version in ovi store?
I am planning to release it for the end of the month, but when I have my first beta, I can publish here as well for you to test and play with it. Now I am creating one applications to manage both my Komedy Player and Boxee.tv.
BTW Boxee functionality is now done, I am working on UI part to make it beautiful and cool :)
For now you you have two possibilities:
Install and run the Komedy Video Player on a desktop machine which is written in Qt and runs on all platforms
Install "Boxee":http://boxee.tv on a desktop, connect it to you HD TV and control boxee through this remote
Communication with boxee is going through HTTP, communication with Komedy is going through TCP.
That's fine.
Just thought it'd be cool if it could control VLC or other video players too as often people will prefer another video player because of certain features. VLC is also written in Qt and runs on all platforms, for example.
Otherwise you may have the trouble with adding many unnecessary features just because someone uses it in their normal video player.
It is your aim to compete with these players? I guess that's possible since you have unique features (this remote control). -
Well that was my first thought. VLC also can be added to the list because VLC uses HTTP too, but you should enable it before using... but I will look forward to it after I finish these two and test :)
Thanks for the suggestion I really appreciate your effort :D
Here is the first video of "Boxee Remote for Symbian":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcUgxzgxRJg
I am eager to know what you think :)