Old symbian phone && QT in new firmware
Well another reason is that Qt needs to be installed on C:\ on Symbian phones.
Old Symbian phones have always had very limited space on C:\ to the point where it's very difficult to install anything. Of course you can install on memory card but a lot of apps don't recommend this.If you add 10-20MB of Qt files on to C:, you'll get a lot of people complaining. Especially since there aren't many Qt apps for pre-touch phones.
[quote author="xsacha" date="1291427609"]Well another reason is that Qt needs to be installed on C:\ on Symbian phones.
Old Symbian phones have always had very limited space on C:\ to the point where it's very difficult to install anything. Of course you can install on memory card but a lot of apps don't recommend this.If you add 10-20MB of Qt files on to C:, you'll get a lot of people complaining. Especially since there aren't many Qt apps for pre-touch phones.[/quote]
This is certainly one of the reasons along with performance issues. And one can only dream of support for QML in such devices without any performance issues.
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291439314"]Hi,
if you ask me, it will take months before QML will be used.I am writing a book right now and no mention of it anywhere...[/quote]
For newer devices like N8 once ovi store extend support for QML based apps, it can pickup. Since creating simple games and apps with good ux is very easy. Yes, it would take a few months. May be we can expect this somewhere in the first half of next year.
Yes devices like N97 N97 mini will be supported, but I doubt how much support would be extended to much older devices. Also the pain on these devices is that the user will have to initially download binaries of about 12 MB and should have equal amount of space on c: for their installation.
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291439314"]Hi,
if you ask me, it will take months before QML will be used.I am writing a book right now and no mention of it anywhere...[/quote]
Well since you are writing a book on Qt and being a FN DiBo member, you might know what happened to the book on "Qt for Symbian". It was too early, by the time the book was released Mobility api's were changed.
[quote author="QtK" date="1291441308"]
you might know what happened to the book on "Qt for Symbian". It was too early, by the time the book was released Mobility api's were changed.
[/quote]I was very happy when find this book some months ago. But when I start to read it I understand that it is almost useless for now. Sadly.
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291443023"]Let me welcome you to the hard and unnice experience of writing a computer book!
Shelf file: 1.5 years is what publishers calculate nowadays[/quote]
That is why the quality of the computer books very often is the same as the quality of the official documentation. Qt has good documentation, so, the Qt books usually good enough :)
The best is to have open books as made available in symbian.org wiki. Any updates any one can update it.