It will always happen, that people post to a wrong forum. That's one thing, where admins etc. perhaps can move the posts. BUt the less categories you have, the bigger they get. And If you are just looking around, that makes it really hard (with only few forums).
I'm agreed with Gerolf. I hope I and other moderators will be able to sort all posts in needed categories.
I know. You do a good job with this. Maybe I can help you in the future, now that I'm breeding dinosaurs :-)
What's desperately missing in the forum, IMHO, is a simple search box in the entry page. When I'm searching for something on other forums, I just try simple search with some keywords.
Volker, search box is on all pages at the header. Or I didn't understand you clearly :)
Yes, but that search the whole DevNet, not only the forum. If I want to do a search only in the forum, I must go to the advanced search. That wording, BTW, only does make sense if you have a simple search :-)
I often remember that there was a forum discussion and I know what I would type in that search box to find it...
But there are some improvements in the pipeline, maybe this one too. Let's wait for Santa :)
You can choose wiki or forum tab at search results if you want results only from forum or only from wiki.
Too much I have to choose and click on - we are lazy, aren't we? :-)
We have a simple search in the wiki to seach the wiki only.
To be orthogonal it would be good to have a simple search in the forum to search the forum only. At best in the sidebar on the right. Make similar functions look and feel similar.
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291445071"]Hi blex,
for me, it is a "generation" issue. I never liked the tags, having grown up on Windows 3.1 using folders...[/quote]Sorry for off-topic, we are nearly from the same generation and I also prefer folders. But the world is changed and the information flow is so huge now that it is almost impossible to work only in hierarchical environment (folders and sub-folders). We should adopt to it. Google is not hierarchical :)
[quote author="blex" date="1291437528"]Sometimes it is not impotent where is the information located: in the Wiki or in the Forum. The current implementation of search looks fine for me.[/quote]
Then we could also remove the wiki only search, that can be superseeded by the global search too.