Riempire un ListView da un JSON complesso
Of small improvements, however there are errors in the console:
QML Column: Cannot specify top, bottom, verticalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Column. Column will not function.
Hoever I have the effect that every day I repeat the same line, which is the same effect that I had had some time ago doing everything differently.
Monday has data different from Tuesday, but Monday's data repeats them the same on all days. I have to distinguish the days in the model when I fill the second listview. How can I do?
And another thing. Every day has daily data from Monday to Sunday, which scrolls horizontally. I think the problem lies with how I build the model in the javascript part.
Thank you
Thank you
Morning :)
Yes column does not like that... which is why it's better to use treeview, or leave out the column.
Only thing then is to properly align the elements yourself with anchors etc.Hmm, "And another thing. Every day has daily data from Monday to Sunday, which scrolls horizontally."
So you can scroll down from money to tuesday, and also scroll to the right to see tuesday too? or how do you mean?The double list I sent last night is possible if you dynamicly add listmodels and id's. I have done this with 3D Objects, but not with listmodels, so not quite sure if it will work.
Another way is to use sub-list elements, but then again there is a need to do some changes to parsing, I think that this is the easiest way to achieve what you want without tableview etc
import QtQuick 2.14 Rectangle { width: 200; height: 200 ListModel { id: daysModel ListElement { day: "monday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "tuesday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "wedsday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "thursday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "friday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "saturday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } ListElement { day: "sunday" times: [ ListElement { description: "00:00" }, ListElement { description: "06:30" } ] temps: [ ListElement { description: "17" }, ListElement { description: "21" } ] } } Component { id: daysDelegate Item { width: 200; height: 50 Text { id: nameField; text: day } Row { id:firstRow anchors.top: nameField.bottom spacing: 5 Text { text: "times:" } Repeater { model: times Text { text: description } } } Row { id:secondRow anchors.top: firstRow.bottom spacing: 5 Text { text: "temps:" } Repeater { model: temps Text { text: description } } } } } ListView { id:listView anchors.fill: parent clip:true model: daysModel delegate: daysDelegate } Rectangle { anchors.top:listView.bottom height:20 Text { id: name text: daysModel.get(0).times.get(1).description; } } }
Here you just need to foreach all monday elements you have (for that one monday), and append the time to times and temp to temps.
I found a solution on gui. With this model I can fillgui correctly:
ListModel { id: model ListElement { name: "monday" attributes: [ ListElement { myWidth: 216.6 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "0:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "6:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 283.33 myColor: "red" myTemp: "30°" myTime: "8:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 166.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "17:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "22:00" } ] } ListElement { name: "tuesday" attributes: [ ListElement { myWidth: 216.6 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "0:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "6:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 283.33 myColor: "red" myTemp: "32°" myTime: "8:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 166.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "17:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "22:00" } ] } ListElement { name: "wednsday" attributes: [ ListElement { myWidth: 216.6 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "0:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "6:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 283.33 myColor: "red" myTemp: "32°" myTime: "8:30" }, ListElement { myWidth: 166.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "26°" myTime: "17:00" }, ListElement { myWidth: 66.66 myColor: "red" myTemp: "29°" myTime: "22:00" } ] } }
And this is delegate:
Component { id: myRectComp; Item { width: 800; height: 90 ColumnLayout { id: scheduleList Label { id: weekday color: 'white' text: name font.pixelSize: 10 font.bold: true } RowLayout { spacing: 2 Repeater { model: attributes ColumnLayout { Rectangle { width: myWidth height: 50 color: myColor Label { anchors.centerIn: parent color: 'black' text: myTemp font.pixelSize: 12 font.bold: true } } Rectangle { width: myWidth height: 40 color: '#000' Label { color: 'white' text: myTime font.pixelSize: 9 font.bold: true } } } } } } }
But only miss part on javascript for fill by json this listModel.
I think that will be something like this:
fruitModel.append(..., "attributes": [{"myWidth":216,"myTemp":"29°"}, {"myWidth":66,"myTemp":"30°"}]);
Now try and keep inform if works. For now thanks.
That was sort of the same i sent you, or exactly the same actually..
So just parse the data as i described and it'll work fine :)
"day": "new day",
"times": [{"description": "00:00"}, {"description": "06:00"}],
"temps": [{"description": "17"}, {"description": "21"}]
})Works fine on mine. So yours should be ok.
Good work :)
I found a solution: edit component at this way:
Component.onCompleted: { var weekdays = ["monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday","sunday"]; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.open("GET", constants.baseURL + "/api/thermostat.php?zone=1&season=summer"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); model.clear(); var list = json["daily_schedule"]; for (var i in list) { var day=[]; if (json.daily_schedule[i]) { for (var k in json.daily_schedule[i].times_of_operation) { var start = json.daily_schedule[i].times_of_operation[k].start; var stop = json.daily_schedule[i].times_of_operation[k].stop; var temp = json.daily_schedule[i].times_of_operation[k].temp; // If json file schedule contain daily schedule, get start, stop and temperature of each period and zone if (json.daily_schedule[i].weekday === weekdays[i]) { var rowDay = { myWidth: ((Schedule.decode_time(stop) - Schedule.decode_time(start)) / 24) * 800, myColor: Schedule.color_map(temp, 'summer'), myTemp: temp, myTime: start }; day.push(rowDay); } } model.append({ "weekday": list[i]["weekday"], "attributes": day }) } } } } xhr.send(); }
Thank you very much.
Now I have others problem tobesolved, but for now I resolve this and thank you.
I'm trying to edit the created listView, in particular the attributes part. In particular I want to delete a period and then change the size of the previous one.
Basically I open a new page where I show the single day with the list of the periods of that day, and from there I can call the function that removes the period, and on that page everything seems ok.
When I close the page, however, in the main one I don't see the updated model. I see the period removed (even if sometimes it does strange things and it doesn't even do that) and the size is not updated (also here sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't)
The period removal code is this:
function removePeriod(indexWeekday, weekday, index) { var modelData = model.get(indexWeekday); var newWidth = modelData.attributes.get(index - 1).myWidth + modelData.attributes.get(index).myWidth var newStop = modelData.attributes.get(index).myStop; console.log("Index Weekday: " + indexWeekday) console.log("Weekday: " + weekday) console.log("Index: " + index) console.log("New Width: " + newWidth) console.log("New Stop: " + newStop) modelData.attributes.remove(index); modelData.attributes.set(index - 1, {myWidth: newWidth}); modelData.attributes.set(index - 1, {myStop: newStop}); var day = []; for (var i = 0; i < modelData.attributes.count; i++) { day.push(modelData.attributes.get(i)); } model.set(indexWeekday, {"weekday": weekday, "attributes": day}) scheduleSinglePeriod.remove(index); scheduleSinglePeriod.set(index - 1, {"myWidth": newWidth}); }
Thank you
I resolved replaced model.set with these 2 lines:
model.insert(indexWeekday, {"weekday": weekday, "attributes": day}) model.remove(indexWeekday + 1)
I don't know if this code is clear and if it is a good way for update model.
I insert day row correctly on correct index sometimes I remove a period, and after remove next index, that is old day duplicated.
@MEMekaniske This part works. I ask if is clear way how do it. Now I have some problems with clock timer. I open another post.