Features of QT IDE to be improved
oh yes, works fine.
thanx a lot again, chetan.
yes it is very dynamic, but accessibility is not so dynamic.. it's good it has short keys, but people don't remember all. if it is provided with contextmenu it will be too gud.
other thing i want to know if it is possible to see the class structure in side bar (for navigation and view)?
It is available in the upcoming Qt Creator 2.1. Check out "the snapshots":ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qtcreator/snapshots/ for an glance at all the new functionality:-)
IMHO having lots and lots of toolbars, toolbuttons it just distracting if You reali need to use a feature and You use it fequentyl You will remember the shortcut. And again as I understand it QtCreators GUI is code focused so no useless thing can distract You from the code (and I love it exactly for being so clean).
I love it too for its simplicity and fastness and cleanliness. :)
pushpendrak: Qt Creator's target audience is developers who often spend several hours a day working inside the tool. I personally think it makes more sense to aim for speed and convenience of use (using keyboard shortcuts, etc.) instead of discoverability.
And features are not hidden either: They are in the menus after all.
yeah great, thnx. i agree
i just downloaded new snapshot of 2.1 creator last night. it got more syntax highlighting, and options/menus
chetankjain: I am a new guy, so I did not do that much to create Creator yet:-) But I will gladly pass on the praise.
I got feedback that, Qt doesn't have any plan to put toolbar in QtCreator. i mean there should be an option atleast with file operations, or file operation adding to sidebar.
i want to purchase Qt license, should i wait for new version like something 5.0....?
or 4.7 license will work for later versions too.if any body have some idea of pricing for multiple plateforms. (INDIA INR)
pushpendrak: Check the "shop":http://shop.qt.nokia.com/en/product-licenses.html for pricing information. The trolls here tend to be developers and most are not really aware of the current pricing schemes (at least I am not:-). Depending on what you want to do you may even be able to use the open source license, so you might want to check that first.
Since I am not aware of any Qt 5 related planning can not tell you whether it makes sense to wait for it or not.