Tags suggestion
Yeah, of course with good text semantic analysis you can make awesome things. I'm talking about basic analysis.
Also as we can see at other sites with tagging systems related items based only on tags works well with content and tags number growing. -
Is clicking on tags supposed to work already?
I have not ever seen any pages returned when clicking on an existing tag to find similar items:-(
Yeah, MariusG said that tag search is not 100% ready in "this blog":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/blog/view/open_beta_and_other_improvements comments.
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1278668246"]Is clicking on tags supposed to work already?
I have not ever seen any pages returned when clicking on an existing tag to find similar items:-([/quote]
I don't think it works yet. Still useful to tag though, because as soon as it will work, the items will be included.
Edit: Denis beat me to it ;-)
[quote author="Andre" date="1278666910"]What might be nice too in this context, is to show a list of related items to the one currently being viewed.[/quote]
Andre is at the core right there, we want to do exactly that. We have some way to go before everything is ready, but it has been the goal all a long. We have more content coming from other parts of Qt that will make that feature scale in usefulness.
We will obviously use tags and ratings to find that related content, but we're open to other solutions as well. Text semantic analysis, navigation summary, author relations, custom lists / play lists, bookmarking feature... So much to try, so little time :)
If you guys know of sites that have excellent "related content" solutions please let us know.
I don't know how other sites implement this kind of thing (I am not a big fan of web development myself), but I have plenty experience with building up this kind of networks on other datasets. That's what the software I build is for...
Perhaps you could look into using a Jaccard or Salton index on the keywords and/or title words and/or content words to calculate the similarity between pieces of content. They are not too difficult to calculate.
[quote author="Andre" date="1278670485"]Perhaps you could look into using a Jaccard or Salton index on the keywords and/or title words and/or content words to calculate the similarity between pieces of content. They are not too difficult to calculate.[/quote]
Thanks! We will indeed.
[quote author="MariusG" date="1278669832"]
We will obviously use tags and ratings to find that related content, but we're open to other solutions as well. Text semantic analysis, navigation summary, author relations, custom lists / play lists, bookmarking feature... So much to try, so little time :)
[/quote]Hm, so user relations are in roadmap too? ;)
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1278674322"]Hm, so user relations are in roadmap too? ;) [/quote]
We are making a "Groups" feature and it's plausible we could add something to the algorithm for related content if the authors share group memberships. Something like that, just thinking out loud :)
Nice (not needed, but fun!) feature would be to be able to generate a network of authors based on which authors post in the same topics. That would be an indication of the interests/knowledge areas of those authors. Same goes for contributions to the same wiki pages, or perhaps even for the tags users use, or... The possibilities to play with this kind of thing are endless :P
These kind of things are fun to do and play around with. :-)
I think I have seen it done for commits in the KDE repos too, where a relation between two contributors is established when committing to the same modules or files or something like that. Nice way to see how some people specialize in one area, while others operate more all-round.But hey, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing, so don't pay too much attention to my ramblings here :-)
For a start everyone should type in few keywords of their interests etc in their "profile page":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/member/edit_profile so that others can manually look it up.
Next, we'll call in the "Jaccard index":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index :)