Qt AR: Why and How to Add Augmented Reality to Your Mobile App
Improved augmented reality capabilities for mobile platforms are one of the biggest trends of 2018. With Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore, augmented reality made it's way into the mobile market and is on the rise ever since.
But you also have the option to rely on cross-platform tools which go beyond ARKit and ARCore, for example: Wikitude.
Wikitude bridges the gap between different devices, platforms, and levels of AR support. With a single cross-platform API it allows to integrate AR features across iOS, Android and Windows with a single code base, while having a much higher device coverage than ARKit and ARCore.
V-Play Engine now makes it possible to use the Wikitude AR SDK in your Qt/QML app with its Wikitude Plugin. You can embed Wikitude Augmented Reality views with a few lines of QML:
import VPlayApps 1.0 import VPlayPlugins 1.0 App { WikitudeArView { id: arView anchors.fill: parent arWorldSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("assets/11_Video_4_Bonus-TransparentVideo/index.html") running: true cameraPosition: WikitudeArView.BackCamera licenseKey: "" } }
For more details on how to create cross-platform AR apps with Wikitude and Qt, see this guide: https://v-play.net/cross-platform-development/qt-ar-why-and-how-to-add-augmented-reality-to-your-mobile-app#why-use-wikitude-instead-of-arkit-or-arcore
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