Future of Qt certification
Could someone please clariify what is the future of Nokia Qt certification exams? Nokia is switching to WP7 so it is not quite clear if those exams will continue to be available. I have not seen any comments about this yet. I was planning to take Qt essentials exam at some point in the near future but now I just don't lnow what to do.
Good point! But I would like to take this as a good reason to post some general news about our works in this area.
First of all, as repeatedly mentioned on other channels Qt is not dead after the recent Nokia announcement. It is even more than just "not dead", since we just launched Qt Quick, released Qt SDK 1.1 beta, Qt 4.7.2 and many other things. "This link":http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/01/qt-quick-is-here/ provides a good summary. Well, this post is about something else, but I hope it can give you one more prove that Qt with all other projects around it is not dead. The best mean for this are facts. I will just tell you what we are correctly doing.
We are currently working on the first release of the final version of the specialized exams (formerly known as "advanced exams"). This work includes quite some more things to do than just sending new exams to Pearson VUE :-)
The works include preparation of paper certificates for the new designation "Nokia Certified Qt Specialist". We promised to send out these new certificates before the end of March to all who had passed the exams in beta. We are on track. The new certificates will also be sent with registered letters and use better envelops to improve the reliability of the delivery.
The final exam content is scheduled to be ready much earlier than the end of March so that the exams will become available world-wide as soon as possible. According the current plan, the specialized exams will be bookable in Pearson VUE test centers in the second half of April, since Pearson VUE folks need some time for publishing and deployment after we release the content.
The "Qt Essentials exam":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/exam is still available but will be updated within the new release. The update will be silent, i.e. there will be no service breaks. Despite minor improvements in the exam content and scope, the major change will be that people who failed in the exam will get a summary of their responses in the exam so that they can see where they need to improve their Qt knowledge. This new "score report" will be available in the specialized exams as well.
Last, but not least, is the rework of the Qt Certification web pages. The major change is the restructuring of the content to cover multiple exams and designations instead of just one. Additionally, by time and step-by-step, we are going to move Qt certification and other learning content on the web to the Qt Developer Network section. This should enable more interaction with you, folks, because we would like to use feedback from you to decide what we should do next or different in Qt Certification.
@Mika: I hope there are a few facts which make you more confident.
Cheers! And good luck in exams! :-)
As I heard the Widgets will be put into separate library as the QML will be encouraged to develop UI. Should we expect new exam testing qml knowledge in let's say within a year or so?
I think that while QML is in such a flux as it still is, there won't be certification exams for it yet. I would say development needs to stabilize a bit before that happens. I would expect that to happen around 5.1 perhaps. Note that the widgets are not to be depricated for a long time yet. Widgets will still be the way to build desktop applications in 5.0 at least, so it seems, and that means they will be supported for the life span of Qt 5.
Yes you are right, but Yes that is true, but what Im thinking is if the certificate would attract developers to particular technology/solution - qml in this case.