Qt5.1 on Rasberry Pi (full install not cross-compile)
Have a look at "this blog":http://www.ics.com/blog/building-qt-5-raspberry-pi. I followed most of it with 5.3 and eventually got it to run.
Hi, JvdGlind,
I could not understand the following... The pi$ should be LXterminal. What is the Host Workstation?
bq. Throughout this guide the symbol “$” denotes a command prompt on the host workstation, and “pi$” denotes a command prompt on the target Raspberry Pi.
Can I use this instruction for Banana Pi which using raspbian?
I confuse device name of configuration below:
./configure -v -opengl es2 -device linux-rasp-pi-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/ -opensource -confirm-license -optimized-qmake -reduce-relocations -reduce-exports -release -qt-pcre -make libs -prefix /usr/local/qt5 &> outputShould I use option linux-rasp-pi-g++ ?
Not sure if this can help but i grabbed the latest 5.4 beta source package from qt website and it actually seems to build without any patch with a cross compile toolchain.
I was able to have lots of the component to work, although something looked strange with the generated binaries and X11. like if you make a simple widegt app with qt creator, on a regular workstation (PC / mac) this wll show a small window. on the rpi it looks like a fullscreen window and doesnt behave normally (you cannot close it with the mouse, you have to kill it).
I'm currently trying to build it on the rpi natively to see how it bahaves. i'm not sure if anyone got QT 5.4 beta to build and run with a normal behaviour yet but would be interested with any feedback and specifically if any patches are required on 5.4.
I've been struggling with getting QT5 compiled for my raspberry pi. I finally found the instructions here for compiling it..
It took 46 HOURS to complete but I managed to get a working binary. Decided to save some people a lot of time,
I'm no good at doing .deb files but I tarred and bzip2'd the folder up and made it available to the public on my blog. http://tinyurl.com/kza5uob
All you need to do is uncompress/untar and sudo make install and do the modifications to bashrc..
I've been struggling with getting QT5 compiled for my raspberry pi. I finally found the instructions here for compiling it..
It took 46 HOURS to complete but I managed to get a working binary. Decided to save some people a lot of time,
I'm no good at doing .deb files but I tarred and bzip2'd the folder up and made it available to the public on my blog. http://tinyurl.com/kza5uob
All you need to do is uncompress/untar and sudo make install and do the modifications to bashrc..
Succes on a Raspberry Pi 2
It took me about 4 hours to configure and compile :)I did change the following: after ./configure and i changed "&> output" to "2>&1 | tee output", this way you can see that something happens
Same with make and I added the -j 4 option to use more processor cores:
make –j 4 2>&1 | tee make_outputTotal configure/build time: 4 hours. The cube application works, but I did not yet manage to make an xwindow application..
Succes on a Raspberry Pi 2
It took me about 4 hours to configure and compile :)I did change the following: after ./configure and i changed "&> output" to "2>&1 | tee output", this way you can see that something happens
Same with make and I added the -j 4 option to use more processor cores:
make –j 4 2>&1 | tee make_outputTotal configure/build time: 4 hours. The cube application works, but I did not yet manage to make an xwindow application..
Thanks, after spending a good part of 2 weeks on a version incompatiblilty problem, I finally found this post, downloaded, and installed the .deb file. I am now able to continue porting an application originally written for a Fedora 19 platform. -
This stuff is so frustrating for me. I guess I'm out of my league on this stuff.
At any rate , I downloaded and installed the .deb file in this post. That appears to work fine.
Now when I start Qt via a .pro file and attempt to configure Qt versions under build and run I QT reports this:
"The default mkspec syncline is broken". This is after I point "qmake location" to
/usr/local/qt5/bin/qmake.The QT creator version is 2.5.0
What am I doing wrong?
Ron -
@RonL Now that I got this to finally work, I'm having the same issues as you. Any .pro file I attempt to open says No Valid Qt versions found. I point it to Qt 5.5, and it's giving me the error you mentioned. (The default mkspec syncline is broken)
I started from scratch and downloaded this source version: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.4/5.4.1/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.1.tar.gz.mirrorlist .Twenty hours later I now have a working Qt5 environment (of sorts). The make install places Qt5 in the following directory: /usr/local/Qt-5.4.1 . The login PATH environment parameter needs to point to this directory. The PATH also needs to point to /usr/local/Qt-5.4.1/bin if you want to use qmake or any of the other Qt utilities.
I am now able compile an application that needs QT5 with qmake. Although it has a compile time bug that is unrelated to Qt.Now, I down loaded Qt Creator from: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreator/3.3/3.3.2/qt-creator-opensource-src-3.3.2.tar.gz.mirrorlist. However it will not compile due to an incompatible version of Botan (under /src/libs/3rdparty). If there is a configuration parameter to instruct qmake NOT to include the 3rdparty stuff please let me know.