Problems with videos not loading
I'm somewhat sure this isn't an issue on my end, but I'm willing to try anything. I am unable to view or download videos from the video tutorials page. For example:
I see a large white area where the video should be, right clicking on that area brings up a 'about shockwave flash' menu. I am able to watch youtube videos and even videos on the Qt homepage (e.g. Livecoding effects vid on I am also unable to use the download link for the previous intro to qt quick ( getting a 404 error.
I am running Linux, viewing the page in Chromium (v.25), using the chrome-pepper flash plugin
Don't work for me either. Don't know if it is temporary or permanent, but it may be connected to other Qt resources under the wing of Nokia no longer being available.
Still, the videos from the last dev days are "available on youtube":
I suppose it's due to the change of domain name? (nokia -> digia/qt-projects)
Here is one of the broken link for downloading the video :
Can some one fix the address?
I'm having the same problem. Ironically, the link on some of the video pages you're supposed to click if you're having issues has issues, i.e. it is also a nokia link and just redirects to I'm new to Qt, and I like learning through lectures, so I hope that this is resolved soon.
On the video pages, a lot of people suggested using torrents as an alternative to distribute the videos. I don't know if anyone who has a say in that sort of thing will read this thread, but I would definitely second that.