[Solved] Qml component property accessing
I have two qml files namely rect.qml and a main.qml. When i clicked the mouse area region of main.qml a rectangle having size, color from rect.qml is created in main.It is fine.The rect.qml have the ability to increase/decrease the width of the rectangle too.
I want to save the width into variables created in main.qml. If I created two rectangles and saved its width into two variables,and if i select the first rectangle and resized, it should be updated to its own variable.
@import QtQuick 2.0Item{
width: 640
height: 540
property int w1 //to get the width of first rectangle
property int w2 //to get the width of second rectangle
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
Qt.createComponent("Rect.qml").createObject(parent, {x: mouseX, y: mouseY})//what to do here?
/Also if changed the width of any of the two rectangles, the corresponding variable should get updated/}
@import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: rect
color: "yellow"
width: 50
height: 50
MouseArea {
id: rightwidth: 8 height: parent.height anchors.right: parent.right property int oldMouseX hoverEnabled: true onPressed: { oldMouseX = mouseX } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { rect.width = rect.width + (mouseX - oldMouseX) } } }
Would there be fixed amount of Rectangles ?
I'm asking since if they are limited you can create those many variables in main.qml and access the required variable directly from Rect.qml.
You can assign the variable a new value in Rect.qml here:
onPositionChanged: {
if (pressed) {
rect.width = rect.width + (mouseX - oldMouseX)
w1 = rect.width // for first rectangle
@ -
So to make it more dynamic you can create a array in main.qml and access that array from the Rect.qml to store the corresponding widths.
To create an array,
property var rectWidths : []
@ -
You will need to update the corresponding element in the array from the Rect of which you are modifying the width.
import QtQuick 2.0Item{
width: 640
height: 540
//property int w1 //to get the width of first rectangle
//property int w2 //to get the width of second rectangle
property var rectWidths : []
property int index: 0
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {Qt.createComponent("Rect.qml").createObject(parent, {x: mouseX, y: mouseY, index: index++}) } } } Rectangle { //click on this to get updated rect widths from array color: "red" width: 40 height: 40 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { for(var i=0;i<rectWidths.length;i++) console.log("Width of Rect no",i,"is",rectWidths[i]) } } }
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
id: rect
color: "yellow"
width: 50
height: 50property alias index: rect.itemId property int itemId MouseArea { id: right width: 8 height: parent.height anchors.right: parent.right property int oldMouseX hoverEnabled: true onPressed: { oldMouseX = mouseX } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { rect.width = rect.width + (mouseX - oldMouseX) rectWidths[itemId] = rect.width } } }
@Hope this is what you expect.
You are Welcome :)
So, if you think the question is solved you can mark it as solved by editing the thread title and prepend [Solved]. -
@import QtQuick 2.0Item{
width: 640
height: 540
property int count:0
property var rectangle:[]Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {rectangle[count]=Qt.createComponent("Rect.qml").createObject(parent, {x: mouseX, y: mouseY})
//here we can create number of rectangles,
//rectangle[0].width will have the width of first rectangle
//rectangle[0].height will have the height of first rectangle
//rectangle[0].x will have the xpos of first rectangle
//rectangle[0].y will have the ypos of first rectangle
/editing a rectangle after its creation will be automatically updated in the corresponding array,so we need not to be care about that/
//count will have number of rectangles created}
@import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: rect
color: "yellow"
width: 50
height: 50
MouseArea {
id: rightwidth: 8 height: parent.height anchors.right: parent.right property int oldMouseX hoverEnabled: true onPressed: { oldMouseX = mouseX } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { rect.width = rect.width + (mouseX - oldMouseX) } } }