[SOLVED]Question about Bluetooth Scanner Example
I apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils libbluetooth-dev.
Then reference http://qt-project.org/wiki/Native_Build_of_Qt5_on_a_Raspberry_Pi
install Qt 5.2.1When I try Bluetooth Scanner Example.
Discoverable(checkBox) property always disabled.Information:
Raspberry Pi(2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.zip)
Azio BTD-V201 USB Micro Bluetooth AdapterAny help would be appreciated!
sorry for my english.
I use another USB Bluetooth Adapter(Broadcom Chipset).
http://24h.pchome.com.tw/prod/DCAD02-A65090899but the same problem.
Bluetooth Scanner Example(~/opt/qt5/qtconnectivity/examples/bluetooth/btscanner).
Scan(Button) and Discoverable(Check box) property always disabled. -
Did you build QtBluetooth from scratch? For a successfull QtBluetooth build you have to have a QtDBus enabled Qt build.
When you run "make qmake" in src/bluetooth it prints out a warning if one of the dependencies (bluez or dbus) are not met and the system falls back to the dummy backend.
You can check whether the bluez dependency was recognized in qtconnectivity/.qmake.cache. It should have the following line in it:
@CONFIG += config_bluez
@A strong indication for dbus enabled builds are the existence of qtbase/lib/libQt5DBus.so. Another option is to check the configure output. It tells you whether it was able to find dbus.
That was my fault.
Solved by run “make qmake” in src/bluetooth.
Alex Blasche,Thank you very much.