Qt GUI developer needed for Film/TV based project in Winchester, Hampshire UK.
I'm looking to take on a Qt developer to help me re-write and old animatroinc control system that has been in use within the FIlm/TV industry for over 15 years. The system currently runs on an old DOS system with GUI resembling windows. The system has been used with great success over the years but I feel it is now time to upgrade the systems to a modern OS, particularly as the system is currently used for Computer Generated Puppets.
Experience in controls systems, interfacing and UDP communications would help although not necessary.
If this is something you think would interest you please get in touch.
You can see more about the company here: "www.micromagicsystems.com":http://www.micromagicsystems.com
And the Xpress control system here: "Xpress Control Systems":http://www.micromagicsystems.com/#/xpress-system/4515986890
!https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1010583_600563973298467_1100480489_n.png(Xpress Control System)!
Here you can see the system in use on a CG puppet in 2004. -
My name is Ansif Ibrahim. I am from Kerala, India. I have 4+ year’s of experience in Qt and Visual Studio. I am
looking for a career in Qt related works and my resume can be found in the link below.My resume: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxk3ZN59ShrkODVsN05ydU1fbjA/edit?usp=sharing
Ansif -
I should point out that I'm looking for someone to work with me in Winchester, UK. Depending on the skill set there could be other work other than this system conversion.