QtCreator plugin for cppcheck, krazy and other tools
Thanks, I got you
I have several issues/suggestions:
The most odd thing: launching cppcheck from external tools in QtCreator gives me one new instance of QtCreator (in addition to one I already have) Oo
Your way with additional .pro-file works, but I have no output in "Issues" tab of QtCreator
I believe, that it would be a better design to make qpt parsing subdirs-projects correctly, it is just recursive walking through the project tree, isn't it?
Will check that, in my test on Windows it works:
(messages pane) https://www.dropbox.com/s/aez4b2325ov0903/general_messages.png
(issues pane) https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kvd13exo16blcl/issues.png -
check it there were issues, in the test you sent me I had change one file in order to have an issue.
Next release perhaps.
- "This":http://i41.tinypic.com/25i1wr5.png is what I get
OK, I see.
I have just posted a new version "0.9":http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtprojecttool/files/0.9/qpt-source-0.9.tgz/download over the previous version.
I have tested this version against several qtcreator versions I have, Qt4 and Qt5, the only difference that can make explain somethingis that which has QTimer::singleShot(3800, ..).If it still does not work, try to increase that value and see if it works.
@diff -w 09/src/backendtool.cpp 09-ok/src/backendtool.cpp
<#if DEBUG
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "cmd" << cmd;
if (m_taskFile)
QTimer::singleShot(3800, this, SLOT(finishQtcPluginInvoke()));
< if (QFile(fields[0]).exists())
< {
if (fields.count() > 1 && QFile(fields[0]).exists())
< qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << taskFile() << "ret" << ret;
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << taskFile() << "ret" << ret << "size" << m_taskFile->size();
< qDebug() << "plugin" << qtcreator;
< #endifm_taskFile->copy("taskfile_deb.task");
#endif //DEBUG
Util::info(qtcreator, QLatin1String("running"));
@Please let me know if it solves the problem or not.
Carlos -
Hey there! First of all thanks for making this tool, very much appreciated!
It works flawlessly on OSX, but I notice that there is an issue with qmake projects using the SUBDIRS template. Indeed there are no .cpp files on the main project file itself, so one has to individually select each subfolder and run the code on there. (otherwise the list of files created and passed to cppcheck/razy is empty)
To have it running on qt creator I just changed %{CurrentProject:FilePath} into %{CurrentDocument:FilePath} and launch the tool from within each .pro file in the subfolders.
Issues pane is empty when using qpt in QtCreator on windows OS. I am using qpt 1.2, cppcheck 1.66, Qt 3.1.2. I followed all steps which are required for integrating qpt into Qt. But issues pane is empty. Anyone faced the same problem? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks & Regards.