Problems with QString at position [i] set to QChar value in a void function
Hey, I'm having a bit of a problem in this code. The problem is in the code within the if statement brackets. However, the problem only occurs with the givenphonenum[i] = QChar(// number //) parts. The if statements are working fine, I tested with different code in the brackets. This code also works when not in a function for some reason. I appreciate all your help everyone, thank you.
Try that:
@void Convert(QString givenphonenum){
int replaceCount = 9;
QHash<int, QString> dictionary;
for(int i = 2; i <= replaceCount; ++i){
case 2: dictionary.insert(i, "abc"); break;
case 3: dictionary.insert(i, "def"); break;
case 4: dictionary.insert(i, "ghi"); break;
case 5: dictionary.insert(i, "jkl"); break;
case 6: dictionary.insert(i, "mno"); break;
case 7: dictionary.insert(i, "pqr"); break;
case 8: dictionary.insert(i, "tuv"); break;
case 9: dictionary.insert(i, "wxyz"); break;
QHashIterator<int, QString> iter;
QString reg = QString("[%1]").arg(iter.value());
QString replaceTo = QString::number(iter.key());
givenphonenum = givenphonenum.replace(QRegExp(reg, Qt::CaseInsensitive), replaceTo);
}@ -
first of all, I moved it to the C++ forum, as it's more a generic problem then a Qt problem.
I assume, you cxall the function with a string and then (outside the function) the string is not changed, right?
Zhis comes due to the fact, that cou call the function with a copy of your string you want to change. If you want to modify the original string, you need a pointer or a reference:
void Convert(QString& givenphonenum)
@The second problem you have, is that the string might be shorter then 100 chars. Try out the following:
void Convert(QString& givenphonenum)
for (int i = 0; i < givenphonenum.length(); i++)