Qt-Complex desktop preview
Last updated version alpha 2.1.x is definitely workin with embedded pages and dynamic toolbars. Difficult that another step can be done before this night very late :)
Hi Enrico,
I just tried to clone your project using Git bash on windows7 64bit.
git clone ssh://git@projects.developer.nokia.com/blackcatcuttingstudio.gitcloning into ...
permission denied (publickey)
fatal : the remote end hung up unexpectedlyI could try my debian box but I have some problems with grub that I have to solve first.
Any suggestions?
there was a similar problem (exactly the same error message) with Gitorious (at least 2 times, AFAIK. One happened to me, too) - in their case, regenerating the SSH key repository on the server solved it. Hope that helps :)
Hi Eddy,
I managed the git clone and update of the project for a while using ssh key then I used the https because on the net I can't manage always THE SAME key in all the sites. But when I find this problem, I solved in the same way regenerating the ssh key with the last updated on my computer. Try it and let me know if the problem persists we find another way (i.e. registering you as team member)
Hello Eddy,
have you cloned the repo ? If you have poblems again I will uploade a zip of the project (but the best remain cloning...
Here is a video preview of Black cut cuttin studio with some of the Qt-Complex 2.0 new features.
Cheers, Enrico
I have no idea. You should be logged to clone, is true ?
If you see anonimous can only view, as I know. Cloning, commenting and following the project is allowed only to registered users ;) Please can you try ? If the error persist it is possible that I misundestood the settings.
... As because in this moment I can't test on windows, only mac and symbian so I am really curious toknow your impressions seeing the code at work!
Hi Enrico,
I works using desktop 4.7.3 release :
!http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33544011/blackcat.PNG(blackcat)!See the windows7 decorations?
Great job and thanks for letting me play! ;)
Eddy -
Hi Eddy,
many thanks for the test. I think that I should update the wiki page with some details on the Qt sdk version and Qt Quick components should be installed to work with Qt-Complex at the best.
Thank you for the corrections to the wiki page ;)