C++0x is unanimously approved!
August 12 Herb Sutter in "his":http://herbsutter.com/2011/08/12/we-have-an-international-standard-c0x-is-unanimously-approved/blog announced the approval of the new standard C++, known as "«C++0x»":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++0x:
"The final ISO ballot on C++0x closed on Wednesday, and we just received the results: Unanimous approval.The next revision of C++ that we’ve been calling “C++0x” is now an International Standard! Geneva will take several months to publish it, but we hope it will be published well within the year, and then we’ll be able to call it “C++11.” "
While I know there's plenty of info about the standard out there, does anyone know of any particularly good introductions/synopses/tutorials to the new features for us old-timers who haven't been following along with the proposed changes and are interested in getting up to speed?
That is to say, I know how to use Google as well as anyone, but I'd love recommendations for anything that anyone has found especially helpful. ;-)
Look "here":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++0x there are well documented. There briefly told about new things.
[Update] start from "here":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++0x#Initializer_lists -
You'll find a list of C++0x features also "here":http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/C++0xFAQ.html. C++0x introduces some really interesting features in terms of code readability, stability and performance.
But I'm still looking for a compiler supporting most of these features (not even speaking of any). The status of GCC is "here":http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html, MSVC is "here":http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2010/04/06/c-0x-core-language-features-in-vc10-the-table.aspx.
It might be C++11 - but we all know there are still compiler suites which do not even fully support C99 at all.
"Scott Meyers":http://www.aristeia.com has a three-day course, "An Overview of the New C++":http://www.aristeia.com/C++0x.html. The presentation materials are also "available":http://www.artima.com/shop/overview_of_the_new_cpp.
I have not taken the course or read the presentation materials. I can only recommend it based upon the excellent "Effective" series books by Scott Meyers.
See also "Where can I learn more about C++0x?":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200237/where-can-i-learn-more-about-c0x